How Does Phentermine Work? Learn Pros & Cons Of Phentermine For Weight Loss

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Phentermine, like many other prescription drugs, works with chemicals called neurotransmitters in your brain. It actually stimulates your neuron bundles to release a particular group of neurotransmitters known as catecholamines, these include dopamine, epinephrine (formally known as adrenalin), and norepinephrine (noradrenalin).

These neurotransmitters signal a fight or flight response in your body which, in turn, puts a halt to the hunger signal. As a result, you lose your appetite because your brain doesn't receive the hunger message.

This drop in appetite is perhaps due to phentermine's affects on leptin levels in the brain. It is theorized that phentermine can raise levels of leptin which signal satiety. It is also theorized that increased levels of the catecholamines are partially responsible for halting another chemical messenger know as neuropeptide Y. This chemical initiates eating, decreases energy expenditure, and increases fat storage.

What's a Neurotransmitter, anyway?

Neurotransmitters are chemicals in your nervous system and brain. They act as messengers, relaying electrical messages between the cells (neurons) of the nervous system or brain. Some people have naturally low levels of neurotransmitters. This condition may lead to diseases such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and obesity, and others.

Prescription drugs work by moving neurotransmitters from one place to another, but do nothing to increase the supply of neurotransmitters in the nervous system or brain. These drugs trick your brain into thinking there are more neurotransmitters than there actually are. Because of this, your brain slows down the production of neurotransmitters.

How Can I Improve The Benefits Of Phentermine?

To learn more about how to help your body produce higher amounts of neurotransmitters, see the Phentermine tolerance report I have compiled:

Phentermine Tolerance Report

If anyone has anything to add about how Phentermine works, please do! Please correct me if I'm wrong about anything, and enlighten us if I failed to mention something.

Ian Mason, owner of Shoppe.MD, a helpful source for health info and Phentermine 37.5.

Ian studies health, weight loss, exercise, and several martial arts; maintaining several websites in an effort to help provide up-to-date and helpful information for other who share his interests in health of body and mind.

Contact Ian Mason by e-mail at [email protected]


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