The Mental Game Of Weight Loss

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Many of us have tried losing weight in the past only to have it all find it's way back to us and then we notice it brought a few friends along.

Then there's nothing left to do but feel frustrated, and suffer with our weight problem for another several months or years until we get sick and tired again of bering sick and tired and try once again to lose that unsightly weight.

But the key to weight loss isn't in your diet or what supplements you're taking. No, it's in your mind and your ability to take constnat consistant action in the present.

The big pitfall of weight loss is that most people think they're just going to go on a diet until they reach their goal weight, and then they can go back to their old eating habits.

That's like going back to an ex boyfriend or girlfriend, chances are you'll be right back where you started and your situation won't be any better.

When you start to "cheat" on your diet, it's a slippery slope back to where you already were. And the scary thing is you don't ever really realize it until it's too late.

I'm sure you've experienced it before "It's only going to be one time, it's ok" So you cheat on your diet...and that one time turns into once a day which quickly grows into a few times a day...and then you're not on your diet anymore.

You see, it's not about changing your eating habits for a couple of months until you're at your goal's about changing your lifestyle of eating to be the healthy person you want to be.

And it all starts in your mind. Priming your mind for a change in your diet is the most important thing you must do before starting a diet. Otherwise you leave yourself open to going back to your old eating habits.

A technique you can use and that I teach to my clients is "acting as if". See when you act as if, your subconscious mind (Where all your habits that you do unconsciously are stored) can't tell the differece between fantasy and reality.

So when you "act as if" you're a skinny person, you begin to change your beliefs and subconscious habits to reflect that.

Ask yourself "Would a skinny person eat this?" If not then don't eat it...because you are a skinny person.

By acting as if, you are reshaping your belief system about yourself and your weight. Ask yourself "How would a skinny person act?" And then do that.

As you change your limiting beliefs about yourself, you'll change the results you've been getting with weight loss.

Matt Adams


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