Eating Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight And Stay That Way

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There are certain eating habits that can make you gain weight and make you lose weight. The tips below are design to help you lose weight:

1. Eat intelligently. The difference between man and beast is that we are driven by intelligence while beasts are driven by instinct. Don't just eat something because you feel like eating it. Ask your self whether your body really needs it.

2. Watch what you eat. Keep a watchful eye on every thing that goes in. Sometimes the garnishes can richer than the food itself. Accompaniments too can be very rich. Remember that it is the easiest thing in the world to eat something without realizing that it was something that you should not have eaten. Selective memory you know?

3. Control that sweet tooth. Remember that sweet things generally mean more calories. It is natural that we have cravings for sweet things especially chocolates and other confectionary. Go easy on theses things and each time you consume something sweet understand that it is going to add on somewhere.

4. Fix times to have meals and stick to it. Try to have food at fixed times of the day. You can stretch these times by half an hour, but anything more than that is going to affect your eating pattern, the result will either be a loss of appetite or that famished feeling which will make you stuff yourself with more than what is required the next time you eat.

5. Eat only when you are hungry. Some of us have the tendency to eat whenever we see food. We use parties as an excuse to stuff our selves. Understand that the effect of a whole week of dieting can be wasted by just one day's party food. Whenever you are offered something to eat do not decline it completely bit just break of a nibble so that you appear to mind your manners and at the same time can watch your diet.

Try to do the above tips for 21 days and you're on your way to lose weight and stay that way. Because it is a known fact that when we do same thing for twenty-one days it becomes a habit. So start creating your good eating habits today.

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Houa Yang is the author of "A Pound A Day." It reveals the same method he personally used himself to lose almost one pound per day safely and effectively. For more info visit:


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