Diet Candy for Delicious Weight Loss

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There are currently over 100 billion dollars sold in weight-loss and energy products each year. Weight-loss is a very serious and emotional issue. In fact, it's so big that doctors and scientists are referring to it as "catastrophic" in nature. Despite the efforts of researchers world over, North America is facing a "fat epidemic."

With that good news said, keep in mind the cause of all disorder and disease: toxemia and malnutrition. With those two factors addressed, one cannot but improve their health and lose unwanted fat and inches; as obesity is definitely indicative of health issues.

How does one detoxify and nourish their bodies? Lots of ways. Let's focus on diet.

Of course you've heard to drink lots of purified water a day. That was good advice, as water helps cleanse all sorts of impurities from our systems. Impurities that impede good thyroid function and metabolism.

Enzymes are also crucial and they can only be found in raw foods. Did you know that farmers years ago (and probably still) used to feed their pigs cooked potatoes to encourage weight gain? It's true. And if they wanted their pigs to trim down they would feed them raw potatoes. The difference was in the enzyme content of the live, raw potato.

While we wouldn't want to binge on raw potatoes, the above is a good illustration of the need to upgrade our diets to include plenty of fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds in their raw format. When eating cooked foods, ingesting plant-based enzymes also ensures complete digestion.

When digestion is not complete, residues remain, leading to more toxins and poorer metabolism. Our favorite plant based enzyme formula can be found here: digestive enzymes

So, with more water and more raw foods in our diet, another good idea would be to cleanse the system with gentle oxygen colon cleansing. These colon cleansers help remove the built-up poisons from possibly years of neglect. And though there's lots of material about colon cleansing and psyllium, we prefer a less aggressive method using oxygen and magnesium. Oxygen Colon Cleansers

And we would be amiss if we didn't encourage you to as your physician their opinion regarding any diet if you are pregnant, nursing or have any medical condition.

See if you can't be the next living example of the benefits pure diet for weight loss and natural cleansing.

Article by Rita Lambros-Segur, M.H. of Electrical Body, Inc. Rita has helped thousands of regular folks improve their health-restoring strategies. Visit Diet Candy


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