How To Lose Weight and Stay Thin

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Diet is one of the most controversial subjects around. Bring it up at a party and I can guarantee you'll have everyone's interest whether they're talking or not. No matter how much we ignore this fact, food affects us. This world operates on a sowing and reaping system, if you plant watermelon, you harvest watermelon. If you feed watermelon the right nutrients they will grow healthy, sweet, and juicy. The same is with our bodies. If we put in high quality substance, we will reap high quality results. I think we all know this on one level or another. The hard part is choosing the right substance to put in our bodies.

Somehow we crossed over in our eating from sustaining life to pleasure eating. And this pleasure eating has gotten so out of control through advertising that people have lost touch with why we eat in the first place. And in this distortion, through huge money making industries that advertise food with beautiful models, we've received mixed messages that say we're to eat to entertain and enjoy ourselves but maintain a beautiful figure and healthy skin. This is all combined with a fast passed society that doesn't have time to even think about what to eat next has brought people to the state of obesity, anorexia, bulimia, and just pure obsession over what we eat and how we look.

My hope is to help people become free of the deception that pleasurable foods hold. There is nothing wrong with enjoying food, especially when it has good benefits. The problem is it is far too abused and people are dying because of it. Heart disease and obesity are at an all time high. There is much more to life than food. My goal is to bring one to a place of awareness on how to eat healthy and stay there.

People can debate all day what the best things to eat are, or why they chose not to eat healthy because their Grandma didn't and she lived to one hundred. The bottom line is, are you willing to make a decision that will enhance the quality of your life and those around you who you affect, by changing the way you eat? Are you willing to change? If you change your diet, I guarantee you your life will change.

You will have more energy, think more clearly, have more confidence, self-esteem, more joy, need to sleep less, have less doctor visits, a better sex life, more creative energy, more sense of purpose, and live longer.

Believe it or not, I think sub-consciously people know this. People become comfortable in what they know, even though they may be dis-satisfied, frustrated, and a lot of time full of self-hatred. People stay miserable because they do not know how to be different.

Food can be like alcohol. It has a numbing effect. It can cover over things we'd rather not look at. One can drown themselves (so to speak) in a bowl of ice cream just as well as one sitting at the bar drowning themselves in their beer. The question is, are you ready for a change?

It takes courage to change. It's easier to do what we know and feel in control. It's harder to be in a place of unfamiliarity. (Like going to a party where you don't know anyone vs. going somewhere you know everyone). There is a period of time where we are uncomfortable. But this does pass. The secret is in sticking to it long enough to pass through the stage of being uncomfortable until you are somewhat familiar with the new diet.

For generations we have been taught to eat far from what our bodies thrive best on. So most of us are convinced this is way to eat. But if you just look around you in any store or restaurant, you can see the effects of our diet. We truly are what we eat!

When one starts to eat healthy, high quality food, you can see the effects in one's eyes, they become clear and white, their skin becomes smooth and has a glow, their face thins and takes on life, and they have much more enthusiasm and energy.

The Willing To Change Diet is a diet that is for life. A diet that will brings one's body to their perfect weight and health. It is not hard, just different than the American diet in some ways. And it takes a willingness to change. BEING WILLING

In order to get back to eating in a way that does not dominate our lives, we have to relearn how to eat. In some instances, the taste buds have to readjust to a more wholesome way of eating. We've basically spoiled them with too much sugar, salt, fat and fiber-less food. Our society runs at such a fast pace, that people are accustomed to getting our food fast, and even eating it fast. To retrain our bodies it is going to take some discipline, desire, and practice.

I will show you how to shop, prepare, and make healthy meals that taste good. I will show you which exercises are best and how much to do to get results.

After eating this way for a while, highly processed food will not be so appealing. When you experience the energy levels and over all good feeling of eating this way, you will always come back to it.


Fad diets don't work because they're not natural. The body works best when given a stable, consistent simple, whole food plan that one can repeatedly come back to. When you deprive the body, it thinks it needs to slow the system down to survive and store. The result is your metabolism slows down and you burn less fat. When you go off the diet, they body hungers to restore what it had felt deprived from, and sometimes you gain more fat.

When you stay on a foundational diet of whole foods that cleanse and build, eating other things that are not so good for you (occasionally) will be easily processed and thrown out, without any effect on your weight.

Are you ready to apply yourself to living and eating healthy so you can spend the rest of your time pursuing the dreams and desires of your heart? STARTING

Starting is the biggest step toward a change of eating. Consider that this beginning will have an outstanding effect on your whole life.

When one changes one's diet, one changes one's life. The reason I believe this is true is your whole cellular structure is effected by what you put in your body. When you begin to eat food packed with nutrition, the cells can do all that they were designed to do, and operate on a very high level of production. As they work for you to regenerate and rejuvenate your body, you feel better and think more clearly, in turn you become more creative and inspired by life. This will then motivate you to do the things that are in your heart, and you will have the energy and perseverance to do them. The result is one's whole life changes.

Ruts you weren't able to get out of before are now little stumbling blocks that can easily be overcome. When one doesn't feel good, and they don't know why, it is very hard to do much of anything than what one needs to do to just live. Most people don't even realize that they could just feel a whole lot better by simply making better choices when they eat.

The Willing To Change Diet is a diet that comes from many years of experience and study of diet and nutrition. I have been to school for nutrition and for the study of body systems i.e. circulatory, skeletal, nervous, and muscular systems. I have a B.S. in Psychology. I have read countless books on diet, health and nutrition, not to mention several fad diets. I have tried most of them to some extent. The only diet that I always come back to is this healthy, foundational diet of grains, vegetables and fruit, with many variations of added whole foods and lean meats. If you eat this way, you will maintain a healthy, perfect weight, never having to gain and lose again. You can "splurge" occasionally here and there, and if you come back to your foundational diet, it will not have a lasting effect on your body.

As you begin to follow the Willing To Change Diet, you will lose weight immediately.

You will begin to feel more energy, think more clearly, have more creative energy, and have more inspiration to live. After two weeks, it will be easier to eat this way, and eventually the benefits will outweigh the effort of preparation. If you put in the time now to care more about what you put in your body, you will spend less time later in the Doctor's office, or Hospital, or in bed with some kind of cold. Your quality of life will greatly improve. I know this to be true first hand. It all starts with a decision to change the way you eat.

Are you willing to change? This is not difficult; it just takes one decision?the decision to change.

For more information:

Kathy Guidry has studied nutrition for twenty years. She struggled with wanting to lose weight and look right in her teen years and got way out of balance through severe dieting and eating disorders. Out of great desire to change and be healthy, she began studying Psychology. She then attended Lesley College in Boston and received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

Kathy had started her life long journey of nutrition and diet after being told by a Medical Doctor that she needed a hysterectomy because of continued severe pain. She began to read every book she could on diet, health, nutrition, and herbal healing. She went to a homeopathic MD and was advised to change her diet dramatically. She attended a two-year School of Healing, majoring in Nutrition and Body Systems. She was healed of this sickness. She learned through this experience how to eat in a way that is healthy, enjoyable, and free from the bondage of obsession with food and weight.


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