How To Burn Fat Fast: Go For Speedy-Burn, Not Crash-Burn

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How to burn fat fast is a question that burns anyone who has any weight to lose. Two ways to burn fat fast are: speedy-burn and crash-burn.

Some weight loss psychology experts aver that our bodies have learnt to set silent "fat set-points" that they then use as "danger-level" indicators. When weight drops to below that level, our bodies tenaciously start hanging on to protective fat!

So the more you try to lose weight, the more resistant your body becomes. How to burn fat fast then becomes an issue of contention with your own body.

To take this point further, it appears that sudden weight loss diets and sudden over-energetic exercise bursts are also perceived by the body as threats to peace and security.

So that could be one explanation why crash diets and crash exercise binges don't work at all. If our bodies see these as "crash-points" why would they not double up on the fat stores the minute we stop or slow down the exercise ... just in case we start the "trauma" again.

In learning how to burn fat fast we have to first learn the psychology of the mind-body connection. What the mind sees as ideal and possible, the body may choose to see as a threat.

In my book, I have outlined a walking-based program to create a body that is "re-trained" as quickly as possible to become a dynamic speedy-burn machine, more and more naturally efficient at disposing unwanted calories.

We also want a body that does not get unnaturally over-protective of its excess fat stores, anticipating "crash-burn" stress.

Walking, being a natural and gentler body process, does not pose a "crash-threat" to the body. The body's resistance to change is therefore much less.

That's why walking may work faster than most other types of exercise and help the body keep its ideal weight and fat burning tempo over the long term.

The ultimate idea behind how to burn fat fast is to get the walking to:

a. Jump-start the body's own fat burning process, so the body will then take over its functions at the optimum speed, without demanding more and more effort from the exercise itself.

b. Give the body less reason to feverishly protect its fat stores. And definitely not add to the body's fat stores through giving it additional fears of "exercise stress"!

It often comes as a great surprise to many of us that actually some forms of crash-workouts induce exactly the opposite effect on the body than the one we hope for.

Whereas a "non-threatening" exercise form like walking works wonders -- and right from the start. Since walking is part of our natural daily activity, it feels like nothing out of the way, or a strain to do. It does not instigate resistance.

It goes along with the body's own smarter internal instincts of how to burn fat fast -- which are superior to many of our theories of fat burn.

It's a fine thin line between the achievable ideal of "rapid weight loss" (speedy-burn) and the impossible dream of "immediate weight loss" (crash-burn). Knowing that difference is knowing the secret of how to burn fat fast!

Laxmi Krishna is a bestselling author on weight loss. She succeeded in losing weight superfast -- 30 kgs. in just 32 weeks, with no dieting -- through a unique walking program she has designed. She reveals her success secrets in her path-breaking guide. Visit Laxmi's site at


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