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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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Weight Loss Is All To Do With Calories
What is a calorie? The definition of a calorie is "the amount of energy, or heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius". A calorie is a unit of energy that is associated with food and drink and is a measure of the energy, or heat, that food produces as your body uses it as fuel. The first step in counting calories for your personal weight loss is to calculate how many calories you burn in a day (your total daily energy expenditure), this is the total number of calories that your body expends in 24 hours, including all activities. This is known as your maintenance level and will be the reference point (number of calories) from which to start your dieting. The average calorie maintenance level for women in the United States is approx 2000 per day and the average for men is approx 2500 per day. These are only basic averages and are usually much higher for athletes or active individuals. A quick and easy method to find out how many calories you require per day for weight loss and maintenance is to calculate a calorie value with a multiplier as set out below. Fat loss = multiply your bodyweight in pounds with 12 calories (12 x lb). Maintenance = multiply your bodyweight in pounds with 15 calories (15 x lb). This is a very easy method to estimate your daily caloric requirements, but it has its drawbacks as it doesn't take into account your particular activity levels or body fat levels. Despite this it will give you a good estimated figure that you can work with. The maintenance figure that you get is the amount of calories that you need to consume to stay at your current weight. To lose weight your calorie intake must be lower than the calories you burn. In order to lose one pound of fat per week, you must reduce your weekly calorie intake by 3,500 calories, which works out at five hundred calories per day. This can be done by reducing your calories by 500 or combining a diet with physical activity. The bottom line is to balance your caloric intake with the amount of calories that you are burning, that's the secret to successful dieting and weight maintenance. Becoming more conscious of counting calories in your everyday eating regime is imperative if you are trying to lose weight. Studies have shown that men and women underestimate their daily calorie consumption by 500 to almost 1000 calories. You can get a truer picture by keeping a, seven day eating plan of what you typically eat and drink during the day. At the end of each days eating, add up the total amount of calories consumed and write them down on to the eating plan. At the end of the seven days, add the total calories for the whole week and then divide by seven, you now have your daily calorie intake. Using a calorie calculator can make counting calories easier - you can total how many calories you will need for your daily activities to give you more control over how many calories you should include in your daily diet. Moderation is always important when you are counting calories, severely restricting calories, causes the body to lower its metabolic rate, which reduces its ability to burn fat. At the same time, hunger signals increase and you quickly start to crave high-energy foods loaded with fats and sugar, the same foods you are trying to do without. This is because when you return to normal eating habits, the drop in metabolic rate caused by the restriction in calories means that your old eating habits actually represent excess in calories. Not only do you regain the fat stores just lost, but also you may even gain a bit extra. Dieting by counting calories means that all foods are allowed, nothing is forbidden as long as the calories consumed don't go over your daily calorie allowance. Counting calories can also be flexible enough to accommodate most busy lifestyles. Health professionals agree that healthy eating which includes counting calories and a low fat diet are essential for long-term healthy weight loss. The way to lose body fat and maintain muscle is to have a food program for life. Quality food and more energy output are the basics you'll need to go for. Bulk foods that fill you up and don't fill you out, foods that are low in fat and sugar which aren't refined should be the ideal. Small frequent meals should be consumed during the day each containing a little protein to maintain muscle mass and energy levels. As before get the calories from high quality food but if you can't, utilize a blender to make mixtures from skim milk with whatever nutrient additives you want to use, just as long as you keep count of the calories for your daily total. Now use these out of the blender mixtures and solid food for your daily feedings. Spread it out over many small meals a day instead of the traditional three meals a day. Gary is the author of several ebooks, including "Maximum Weight Loss in Ten Weeks" - the complete ebook and time-saving solution for burning away unwanted fat, and "Maximum Weight Gain in Ten Weeks" - easy-to-use and follow techniques that serve as a guide to muscle growth without having to "live in the gym". Visit Gary's website at http://www.maximumfitness.com/
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Turn Your Body into a 24hr Fat Burning Furnace and Still Build Muscle! Is this even possible?Well hold on to your seat because you are about to learn a whole new way of doing cardio and burning fat that will turn your body into a fat burning machine and still pack on the muscle.I have been working on natural bodybuilding for the last 3 years, and it has taken me 2 and a half years to realize I was going about it completely the wrong way. Hypnosis For Weight Loss - The perfect solution to losing weight Temporary weight loss is easy!You simply starve yourself on the latest fad diet, and watch those extra pounds disappear.. Want Power Before Will Power The problem isn't that you don't have enough will power to achieve what you want. You have will power, but it's not will power you need, it's want power. Natural Weight Loss: Add to Your Diet and Add Years to Your Life As I was saying in my past articles, others have added years back to there life with a few added ingredients. They also added energy and youth. Obesity and Weight Loss - Muscle and the Importance of Low Body Fat! Today you have a good chance of getting diabetes or becoming obese or both. And if you do, then chances are you will be in for a long life filled with pain, discomfort and little quality in your life. Signature Lines on Weight Loss Websites A reader recently wrote to ask why I don't include my weight statistics in my signature line. A great observation and excellent question. 3 Easy Dieting Success Tips 1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each dayOkay, for many people this is a big problem. Weight Loss - A Complex Issue - Learn More Please feel free to comment, to provide good information and feedbackDid you know: As of 2003, the World Health Organization estimated one billion are overweightOver 40 million Americans are overweight(World Health Organisation), 64% of Americans are overweight (NHANES)Americans are spending 33 billion dollars a year on weight loss programs, foods and supplements aids (Medical and healthcare guide 1997)Increased weight is associated with a variety of health conditions from heart to joints, to immune function.Fad Diets: Low Carbohydrate/High Protein Diets:* increased risk of several diseases. Weight Loss Diets with Negative Calorie Foods Negative calorie foods are said to use more calories to digest than the calorie content of the foods themselves, resulting in a negative calorie balance. It is therefore natural to consider a diet containing these foods for weight loss. Fast Weight Loss -- The Healthiest Fast Weight Loss Plan In general, fast weight loss is not healthy. The faster you lose weight, the faster you'll gain it back. 2 Ways to Start Burning fat Quickly 1. Start Exercising first thing in the morning. Are Your Co-Workers Making You Fat? Avoiding Unexpected Treats Taming the See Food Eat Food ResponseWhat happens when you're just minding your business and suddenly someone walks by with a delicious looking cake, muffins, or some other goodie you weren't expecting. You weren't hungry a minute ago but now you are suddenly ravenous. Low Carb Intelligence vs. Low Carb Stupidity Remember that movie with Jim Carey, "Dumb and Dumber?" And remember the sequel to that movie, "Dumb and Dumberer?" Well, the low carb mania that is sweeping the globe today has reached a level beyond dumberer? It's more like dumberererer (try to say that five times real fast)There is an epidemic of "low carb stupidity" running rampant among millions of people throughout the world today - and fast food restaurants, food product manufacturers, supplement companies, and weight loss programs are capitalizing on it in a big way!The low carb diet is not inherently "stupid," however. It can be quite beneficial within certain parameters and under the right circumstances. 8 Proven Weight Loss Tips There are a lot of "crash" diets out there that promise that you'll drop a considerable amount of weight in days or a week.I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are not something that will work with your body. Burn More Fat With Insulin Control: The Secret Weight Loss Switch If you're serious about losing weight and getting fit, you might be interested in what I'm about to tell you. If you're like most people who don't have time to do cardio exercise and weight training for a few hours a day, then you need to read on. How You Can Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight When I decided to lose weight I of course decided to do as much planning as possible. It seems the older I get the harder it is to do anything without completely planning it out. Hypnotize the Pounds Away: Weight Loss Motivation Through Hypnosis Many individuals these days, male or female, young or old, are struggling with weight management. Concerns with rising cases obesity are no longer based upon a Hollywood conception of what is the appropriate body size. How to Eat Out and Lose Weight Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, and now want healthy choices whether eating at home or at their favorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry has been quick to accommodate the demand, so you'll find you have many options to "eat healthy" these days. 20 Ways to Lose Weight 20 WAYS TO LOSE WEIGHT1. Take it one step at a timeStart by paying attention to what you eat. High Carbs/Low Fat Diets and Cardio Vascular Disease For the past 20 years, the American public has been bombarded with the message: "Fat is bad!" As a result, our food supply is now inundated with "low fat" foods, engineered foods and foods processed to remove natural fats. In every instance, low fat foods are loaded with carbohydrates. ![]() |
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