Burn More Fat With Insulin Control: The Secret Weight Loss Switch

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If you're serious about losing weight and getting fit, you might be interested in what I'm about to tell you. If you're like most people who don't have time to do cardio exercise and weight training for a few hours a day, then you need to read on. The fat-burning secret I'm about to reveal is used by bodybuilders worldwide, and it will not only help you lose weight, but get you unhooked from the bad carbohydrates. Here's some information you should know first:

What are the bad carbs?

If you want to keep the healthiest blood chemistry, try hard to avoid eating these foods. Some of the foods with "bad" carbohydrates include those such as white bread, chips, snacks and other baked or fried foods that have been mechanically processed. These carbs bad for you because during processing, much or all of the dietary fiber is removed from them, and your body cannot process these new complex carbs with efficiency.

What are the good carboydrates?

These are the carbs we should focus on eating. They come in more natural forms such as whole grain wheat bread, fruit like strawberries and peaches, and vegetables such as carrots, green beans or squash.

What's the "secret" to burning more fat?

Please forgive me if I get a bit scientific here, but that's why this method could be called a secret. Most people don't know about how it works. The problem your body may have with burning fat during workouts is caused by the insulin hormone. This chemical is produced by your body, and it makes it very hard to burn fat. When you eat carbs in your meal before a workout, your body produces insulin. This is more extreme when you eat the "bad carbs" such as those I listed in the section above.

The solution is to avoid carbohydrates (especially bad ones) before your workout, so that you've flipped on the fat-burning switch. After your workout, eat a balanced meal with good carbs and plenty of protein to stop your body from burning muscle along with fat.

And take the time to educate yourself further. Heck, if nothing else, sign up for a copy of our free newsletter at our site. Of course, we save the best stuff for our program, but we still reveal tons of killer tips in the free newsletter. We distribute it every two weeks or so. Just go to the weight loss forum and enter your first name and e-mail to receive it.

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