Holiday Wearing A Weight Loss Halo

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You may have read the old stories about how much weight people put on during the holidays. Well, not surprisingly, those stories are at least partially true. In a recent study conducted by The National Institute of Health, the researchers discovered that, in reality, the average weight gain is just slightly under one pound. Nothing to be bothered about, it seems. Or is it? They also found that a person who is already overweight, will average a five pound weight gain during their holiday.

I can imagine some of you feeling relieved that you may only put on one pound. "That's no problem," you may well think. "I'll lose that in a week when I get back into the old routine." The problem is though, the study also shows that we all tend to keep the pounds put on. In other words, over ten years, those one pound gains could lead someone to being overweight.

Maintaining Your Weight Loss Momentum At Home On Vacation

If you are holidaying at home, here are a few tips to help you keep your weight loss halo sitting pretty above your head:

Nibble Instead of Devour!

It is natural when you are on vacation that you want to indulge, and there's no need to deprive yourself entirely. If you like strawberries with lashings of cream, for example, you can treat yourself to as much of the fruit as you like, but just have a taste of cream. Instead of indulging in the cream, concentrate on the strawberries. Or if you like rich desserts, just have enough to get a taste, but do not go for a full plateful. Dwell on each mouthful as if it were your last. A few mouthfuls that you concentrate on enjoying can give more pleasure than stuffing yourself rapidly with a portion eight times the size.

Focus On The People, Not The Food

Many people think of holiday parties in terms of the foods that they will eat (or need to avoid). But the real reason for the party should be the company and conversation. If you keep yourself busy chatting with family and friends, you'll be less likely to reach for the readily available snacks.

Fill Yourself With Healthy Foods

If you eat a lot of raw vegetables, and other healthy foods, that will stick with you during a holiday party, you should be less tempted to binge on the calorie rich foods that may be available, right in front of you, later.

Drink Lots Of Water

Most soft drinks, party punches and alcoholic beverages are high in calories, mounting up as the party progresses and you consume more. You can drink hundreds of calories without even realizing it if you're not careful! Instead, drink water as your main drink; that will help flush out the system, and will not add calories. As a bonus, your halo will sparkle more with each mouthful of water as those around you have a calorie feast

Space Out Your Food Consumption At A Holiday Party

It's not realistic to try to get through an entire party or social gathering without at least sampling some of the treats. Instead of diving in right at the start, have small amounts spread out; say every 30 minutes.

Your holiday, though, is a time to enjoy yourself. Don't let weight loss worries spoil the party. Be sensible, be relaxed, and you can come out of the other end the same weight as you started.

Roy Thomsitt is the owner and part author of


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