Be Aware Of Your Reasons

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You have decided that you want to lose weight and improve your health. What is the first step? Start by asking yourself what your reason(s)is for wanting to make this change.

This may sound trivial, but if you do not have a conscience and powerful reason for wanting to lose weight, you will find plenty of reasons not to.

I'm assuming that, like me, a lot of you have tried and failed at some previous attempt to lose weight in the past. For me, the last time was about 2 1/2 years ago. I had lost about 50 pounds, which I had killed myself to do, and had kept it off for about 6 months. Two later, I gained back the 50 pounds plus another 8 pounds.

I had plenty of excuses. My wife and I bought our first house, my second son was born, I took a part-time job in the evening, ect... I kept finding excuses not to work out and my diet soon followed and went down the tubes.

After working so hard why did I let this happen?

I believe now that it came down to the fact that my reason for wanting to stay lean and healthy had changed. When I first began, I kept looking at pictures of myself at nineteen and I wanted to look like that again. There was nothing I could do about the thinning hair, but I could change my body. But somewhere along the way, looking like I did twelve years ago was no longer important.

The point to all of this is that you need to consciously pick a reason and write it down. It will probably be more than one and they should be something that is important to you. Important enough to get you through those rough days ahead when you feel like quiting.

Post you reasons somewhere that you will see them everyday. At your desk, ect... I like to place mine on the refrigerator so when I get that craving for some ice cream I have to stop and ask myself if it is worth it. It feels so good when I reach in and grab a bottle of water instead.

We all are starting from a different place. We all have reasons why we are where we are. We all have reasons why we don't want to be here anymore. Knowing these reasons and being aware when they change will help you greatly in achieving your goals.

About The Author

Greg McPhail is the editor and publisher of Imfit4life - Weight Loss Solutions for Everyone Ezine. Come have a laugh and get motivated with others who share your goals. To subcribe: [email protected] or visit:

(c)Copyright 2004, Greg McPhail, Imfit4life. All Rights Reserved.


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