5 Surefire Ways to Weight Management

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You have finally decided to tackle weight management and lose that pesky weight but you still don't know where to start. Sometimes it is tougher to get started than to keep going! Before you do, there are a few things to think about first.

1. How much weight do you want to lose? First, if you are overweight, a loss of 5 to 15 percent of your body weight may improve many of the problems linked to being overweight, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. The American Dietetic Association suggests weight management goals be based on achieving the best weight possible in the context of overall health. Achieving an ideal Body Mass Index is not always realistic or desirable.

2. You Don't Have To Lose It All Today.

There is a temptation to take drastic measures to lose lots of weight quickly. This is a huge mistake. If you lose weight too fast, you are likely to lose muscle rather than fat and also increase your chances of developing other health issues such as gout and gallbladder problems. Try and think about your weight loss as a process. Take it one pound at a time. This should keep you from feeling so overwhelmed.

3.Come up with a plan to prevent Stress Eating.

According to research, yo-yo dieters tend to turn to food for comfort. (When you inhale a bag of chips after a fight with your boyfriend or coworker, your using foods to cope with your stress.) Successful weight managent means finding ways to address the problem directly. Stress can make weight loss difficult. Finding ways to outsmart it is the key. But you can OVERCOME IT...Ask yourself whats driving your emotions. Are you tired? Emotional? Anxious? Once you find out what the cause is, you can come up with another way to release it without stuffing your face with junk. Try taking a walk, writing in a journal or take a bath. Trying stress- reducing activities such as meditation can serve as a preventative measure as well.

4. Have Fun. Weight management is not about forcing yourself through a diet. Most successful people say they feel great! They give themselves the ok to have something they want. That way they do not feel like they are giving up all their favorite foods. Focus on the positive changes and how you feel. Instead of saying "I can't have that", figure out how you can fit it into your diet.

Give yourself non-food rewards. Buy yourself something nice. New jeans, that massage you have been wanting. Buy yourself some great workout gear that will motivate you.

5. Figure out your emotional reason for staying on track. Make a list of all the reasons you want to lose weight. I don't mean saying because you want to look hot in a bikini. I am talking about picturing yourself feeling uncomfortable in a bikini, but uncomfortable in yor clothes! What makes you shudder when you think about staying the way you are?

Think about all these while deciding to make a change. Just remember, YOU CAN DO IT! IT IS ATTAINABLE! Believe in yourself and you can reach your goal of weight management and weight loss.

Happy Weight Loss!


Jody Branch is owner of Online-weight-loss-resources.com. She is an expert author in the field of weight loss and fitness.


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