How To Maintain Your Ideal Weight

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The main reasons most people have difficulty maintaining their ideal weight are : ? Overeating

? Lack of willpower

? Eating fattening foods

? Weight Loss products that help take weight off, but cannot maintain it

? It's all just too hard - calorie counting, exercise, too tired, too busy

? I don't look too bad do I?

All too often, people succeed in losing weight, only to put it all back on again once the diet is over. Yo-yoing is a familiar story amongst dieters. They find a diet or a magic product guaranteed to make them lose weight, and launch into it full of confidence that 'this is it'. 'This time it will happen, this time it will stay off and the quick fix will last forever'. BUT it doesn't, and here they go again, on another search for THE best way to lose weight.

But it doesn't have to be like that.

The dictionary definition of 'diet' states it is 1. "the kinds of foods that a person habitually eats" and 2. "a special course of food to which a person is restricted".

It is the application of the second definition that causes yo-yoing. Fad diets, weight loss products, pills, surgery, and punishing exercise routines are all meant to be temporary. Continuing any of them is a medical risk. Many weight loss products have unhealthy side effects and should not be continued for long periods. In fact it is better to not use them at all.

The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to follow a food system as in definition 1, establishing good eating habits that can then be maintained easily once the ideal weight is achieved.

Eating and drinking healthy foods regularly, in a sensible way, then becomes a way of life. Not only will weight be lost, it can easily be maintained. Increased health and vitality will also result, with many benefits.

Easier said than done, I hear you say. "What about cravings, and chocolate, and yummy cakes? I don't have any willpower over food!"

? Making a decision to lose weight is the very first step.

? Choose a good time to start where there will be no distractions or temptations.

? Undergo a juice detox to kick-start your weight loss and clear out many of the toxins in your body that are slowing you down, and urging you to eat more rubbish. Some chemicals in foods are addictive, as soon as those chemicals are removed through a detox, the addiction will also disappear.

? Continue to drink one or two freshly made juices on a daily basis to slowly continue the detox

? Eat wisely and in smaller portions, which will be much easier once the stomach has shrunk, and once your body and mind is clearer and free of many of the toxins.

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