Resist that Snack Attack and Keep Your Diet on Track

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When on a diet, snack attacks can hit hard and fast. Everywhere you go reminds you of what you can't have and what you want. Sometimes it is certain cravings, hunger and even your own emotions that candrive you straight into those treats you promised yourself that you would stay away from. The good news you do not have to go overboard everytime you have to give into those cravings. Follow tthis advice and you will reap the rewards that come with triumph over adversity. Win the battle of the bulge once and for all.

Strategy #1
Eat every three to four hours.
Fueling the body is a matter of timing. The longer you wait between meals the hungrier you will be. Three to four hours between meals is about the time to keep your blood sugar levels under control. Be sure to eat a balance of protein and carbs at every meal. People who eat smaller more frequent meals are less likely to binge out and more poor choices. Which bring me to the next strategy.

Strategy #2
Take a healthy snack with you.
Most of the time you are not going to have access to healthful snacks while out and about ot at the office. If you become hungry it is most likely that you will eat whatever is in form of you, no matter what it is. It's best to prepare for these times when the vending machine will start callling your name. Have snacks such as carrots, peanut butter with carrots or some string cheese.

Strategy #3
Get rid of the bad stuff.
If you know keeping something in your cabinets is going to call your name everytime you walk by it, get rid of it. Save it for the weekends when you can purchase a small portion of it. You do not need these things in your house. Even if your family likes them, you are still better off. There are some of us who just cannot resist the temptation.

Strategy #4
Drink something.
Most of the time when we think we are hungry, we are just thirsty. Before you binge, drink a full glass of water or have yourself a flavored drink that is low in calories. See if that sweetness helps you with your craving.

Strategy #5
Let yourself have a little bit.
Deprivation can lead to diet disaster. As soon as you tell yourself you can't have something you want it even more. It's okay to have 1 cookie or a handful of chips. There is really nothing you can't have just pay attention to how much you are eating.

Written by Jody Branch of A website devoted to weight loss and fitness information.

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