Weight Loss Motivation: I CAN DO IT!

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Several months ago I was in desperate need of weight loss motivation. As I was observing my friend's kindergarten classroom I was struck by an idea when I saw her in action. One of her students was filled with self-doubt and seemed to truly believe that he was unable to accomplish the task my friend was requesting of him. She kneeled by his side and patiently showed him once again what was expected of him. After hearing, "I can't do it!" several times, she quietly got up and walked across the room. When she returned she was holding a can that was covered in 'google eyes.' She placed it on his desk and asked, "Do you know what this is?" He shook his head and she whispered, "It's an 'EYE CAN' and every time you doubt yourself you can put it on your desk." He looked up at her with an extremely confused look on his face and she went on to explain, "When you see this can sitting on your desk it will remind you that you 'CAN' do it!" To make sure he understood, she asked him again what it was. He looked up at her and replied, "It is an 'I CAN'!" He bent down and began working with a new found confidence and the 'I CAN' stayed on his desk for the remainder of the day.

I couldn't get the 'I CAN' out of my mind as I knew it would somehow be able to help me with my weight loss motivation. I decided to create an 'I CAN' for myself and use it each time my weight loss motivation began to waiver. I decided to use a Pringles can (fat-free of course!) because it had a snap off lid. I covered my can with paper and then decorated it with pictures that represented some of my weight loss goals. The next thing I needed to decide was what would go into the can. I decided not to limit myself as I just wanted the can to represent motivation, in all forms.

Here are some of the things in my 'I CAN':
~a picture of myself at my starting weight
~several fortune cookie fortunes that have motivated me
~a note from my son telling me he was proud of me
~money: I put my loose change in the can and I will use it to reward my weight loss
~motivational quotes that I have gotten from my Weight Watchers meetings or have found online
~my goal weight
~ hand written notes describing the many milestones in my weight loss journey
~my Weight Watchers awards

Sometimes when I am having a bad day and my weight loss motivation has taken a nose dive, I take my 'I CAN" and pour the contents out on my bed. I take time to look at each item that I have placed inside and within moments I realize once again that 'I CAN' do it, 'I CAN' reach my weight loss goals!

I have lost 28 � pounds so far and the 'I CAN' helps me tremendously! If you find that you are having trouble keeping your weight loss motivation strong, consider making an 'I CAN' for yourself! Before long you will be saying to yourself, "I CAN do it!"

Read more weight loss motivation articles, motivational quotes, and weight loss tips and ideas. If you would like read about how I have lost weight, stop by to read my daily weight loss blog.


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