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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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Do You Want To Lose Weight Without Going Crazy?
Here's what to do if you want to wear that slinky black dress, and stay sane: 1. Make sure that you're not being neurotic and overly body conscious. Meditate. Try to catch yourself naked unawares in a full length mirror. Find out your ideal height-weight ratio. Get some amateur photos taken of yourself in casual clothes. Try to be detached and objective. Overweight is sometimes a state of mind instead of body. What trauma or childhood inadequacy causes you to see yourself as fat and undesirable, when medically you're normal, or just a little full figured? If you are definitely a fatty: 2. Meditate. Try to home in on the reason you are overweight. Is it genetic; are your family 'big-boned'? If not, what need are you trying to fill by stuffing yourself; are you anxious, insecure, do you have family or money or sexual troubles? If so deal with THEM and your need to eat will be easier to beat. Eating is pleasurable; we get a rush of blood sugar which makes us temporarily feel good, and having a full stomach makes us feel sleepy and calmed down. Are you going for the effect rather than the nourishment? 3. Change your diet. Eat simpler, less processed, less over-prepared and overcooked food. Get back to the basics. Substitute fruit for candies, wholemeal bread and boiled potatoes for potato chips, lean steak for burgers, water instead of fizzy drinks. Eat a grape or a piece of orange instead of a candy; you get a better 'buzz', and it's healthier for you. Another benefit of eating whole, natural food is you fill up quickly, while eating less. The horror of junk food is that it's got loads of fats and sugars in it while not being physically substantial; you can eat ounces of fat in seconds. Basically, if a chimp wouldn't eat it, you shouldn't eat it. Yes, I KNOW a chimp could probably get hooked on junk food. All right, try this; if an athlete preparing for a track meeting wouldn't eat it, you shouldn't. Have three meals a day only. Have a proper breakfast; people tend to skip this and then have snacks later to keep themselves going. This is folly. NO snacks in between; let your belly growl. You're going to train it to need less. It will protest, as it's used to being big, but it will adjust in time. Stay away from people and places which remind you of your old treats. Try not to let on you're dieting; your 'friends' will try to get you off it, or tempt you for fun. 4. Take more exercise. You can do light exercise, or better yet work it into your daily routine. Don't walk when you can run, don't run where you could cycle, leave the car in the garage. Do more household chores the hard way. Take the stairs instead of the lift. If your work or chores involve exercise it's easy to get your subconscious to go along with it. It seems less of a trial, and you're killing two birds with one stone. Exercise for it's own sake is hard; part of us can see no immediate gain to doing it, and puts up mental and emotional barriers. Clean your house, jog to the shops, dig the garden, explore your locale on foot. Exercise at home. Do push ups, pull ups, sit-ups, use a couple of chairs as dumb-bells. It's a bother and an expense to go to a gym; set up your own routine at home, and stick to it five days out of every seven. 5. Do not take special medications or diet foods if you can help it. Diet medications are usually amphetamine or stimulant-based; they perk you up, so you don't feel depressed or hungry. Soldiers use amphetamines in war; they keep you keen, and you don't feel hungry. The trouble is you become physically addicted to them, instead of food, and you're worse off in the end. They rot your body and your mind, and you have exchanged one fixation for another, more urgent one. Eating food supplements will take off the pounds; you'll lose a few pounds to begin with in ANY diet anyway. However, what will happen when you stop eating this expensive food substitute? Unless your will power is engaged, you'll revert to your old habits. Losing weight involves an act of WILL. If you're the sort of person who diets for a bit and then 'rewards' yourself with a cream cake, WHO are you trying to fool? Your subconscious, your friends? You won't fool the bathroom scales, or that dress you're trying to get into. Perhaps part of you would like to be slim, especially on public occasions. The other, deeper, part wants to gorge itself on WHATever it likes, WHENever it likes. Eating is lovely, isn't it? It may be your one consolation in an otherwise miserable life. To fix your weight, fix the other problems in your life, then staying off the snacks will be much easier. This involves finding out what vocation you have in life. What do you REALLY want to do? If it's nothing, then that's fine. Once you acknowledge this, you'll find your peace of mind improves, and your craving for food will be less. Otherwise find some activity you can devote yourself to, that engages your whole being. Eating is often a recreation; find a nobler one. About the author: T. O' Donnell (http://www.tigertom.com) is an ecommerce consultant in London, UK. His latest projects include a mortgage calculator and ebook, available at http://www.tigertom.com/mortgages-uk.shtml
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The Mental Game Of Weight Loss Many of us have tried losing weight in the past only to have it all find it's way back to us and then we notice it brought a few friends along.Then there's nothing left to do but feel frustrated, and suffer with our weight problem for another several months or years until we get sick and tired again of bering sick and tired and try once again to lose that unsightly weight. Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss: Six Simple Strategies for New Moms - Part 3 A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby's here, you're probably wishing those extra pounds would hurry up and disappear! While it won't happen overnight, these six simple tips can help you lose that extra weight in a healthy way. Are You Confused By All The Different Diets? Heres A Quick Diet Comparison It would not be surprising to hear your answer is "yes, I'm confused by all these so called diets." You may read from one expert that low carbohydrate (low carb) and high protein is the way to lose weight. Schoolchildren on South Beach diet As a part of a children's diet and health study, conducted by Dr. Agatston, six elementary schools from Osceola County, Florida were included in a diet program from September through May 2005. Weight Loss Tips: Get Free and Effective Weight Loss Tips! Looking for Diet Programs on net is like looking for water in an Ocean. But trust me, looking for good Diet Program is like finding a pearl in the ocean. Emotional Eating Yesterday, out of the blue, without any foreboding gossip or rumor, the company I work for was taken over by a competitor. All afternoon we sat stunned and unnaturally quiet, trying to absorb what had happened and what it might mean to our future. How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau Healthy eating has become part of your life, but you're still 10 or less pounds short of your goal weight. Don't worry. Do You Make These South Beach Diet Mistakes? The South Beach Diet works, for most people. Its low fat, low carb approach helps you lose weight quickly and easily. Failed at Weight Loss: Heres Hope All Diets Work: No Diets WorkHave you lost weight in the past only to regain it a short time later? Have you followed every diet including Atkins, South Beach, the Drinking Man's diet, the Peanut Butter diet, or even the Chocolate Diet? All of these diets work, and none of them work, meaning, you can and probably do lose weight on any of them, but you won't keep it off. Why not? Because the day will come when the diet is over and you're right back to your regular routine; the same routine that got you fat in the first place. Gene's Diet Plan Hot dang! If a few hundred other folks can peddle a plan to help people lose weight, there's no reason I can't jump on the bandwagon too! So, here's my plan. All you need to do is send me a certified check for $495. 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Essential Fats for Weight LossOver the past few decades, the cornerstone of a good, solid weight loss plan has included studying the 'Nutrition Information' on food packaging, thumbing nervously through a 600 page (yet implausibly titled 'pocket sized') calorie counter and triumphantly and guiltlessly striding down supermarket aisles with a trolley brimming with exquisitely packaged, molecule sized, fat free food.To most people, avoiding fat (or consuming as little as possible) is the sure-fire path to a slim and slender body. Are Fiber Supplements Fat Burning Food? If you're taking a fiber supplement or eating a high fiber diet, you may inadvertently be consuming fat burning food.Everyone knows that fiber is something you need in your diet to be healthy, and that primarily it relieves constipation by increasing the bulk in stool to allow easier bowel movements. Liberate Your Set Esteem and Lose Weight Are you a 'look-and-lose' dieter? Have you studied every diet ever created, read a zillion diet books, and yet are still unhappy with your weight?Has your quest for the holy grail of dieting become a substitute for actually making changes required to take the ill health out of your current diet?If so, you may not realise your thoughts are key to your happiness and success.Do you look at yourself and say, "I'm fat", or "My hips are too big"? Many of us look in the mirror and immediately compare ourselves to those 'perfect' human specimens we see every single day on TV, in magazines and in the newspapers. ![]() |
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