To Lose Weight or Not to Lose Weight... A Guideline for Men!

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To begin this article I must start with it's conclusion.

The decision for a woman to lose her extra childbearing weight is between her doctor and herself.

Even at that, the decision is ultimately up to the woman alone. She only can decide whether or not she is willing to go through the process (and stress) of losing extra pregnancy weight.

However, the woman's decision is usually made from many factors, factors which will encourage or discourage her in this very personal decision.

One of the main factors in a woman's life is her husband. At this point I want to encourage husbands to be supportive of their wives who has bared life inside her body.

Children are produced though both the woman's egg and man*s sperm, this make the child as much a part of the man as it is the woman's. It is however the woman who has the ability to protect the new life by, it being nestled in the center core of her body.

In order for this nestling to remain and be completed, it must take the woman's body through some journeys of changes. Changes which includes but are not limited to the physical, mental emotional and hormonal sides of the woman.

It is physical-weight gain that most woman find to be the biggest drama of their afterbirth bodies. Mainly due to today*s society of thin bodies being better bodies.

However we know that how thin a woman is has nothing to do with how great her body is! I want to personally challenge and encourage men who have wives with new bodies; as the result of bringing forth new life. Beginning with:

RESPECT: Small word, Big Results! To say it quite plainly, husbands RESPECT your wives for bringing forth new life, that the world may go forward! Keep in mind that this is an accomplishment you will never have the pleasure of experiencing. To help you along, here is a 10 pointer guideline.

1.) The only time to call your wife out of her name is to call her a loving name. Sweety Cakes, Honey Bun ect. is appropriate.

Note: "My Pretty Fat Piggy." Is NOT appropriate!

2.) Often express to her how grateful you are, that she bared the children which the two of you together created.

3.) Be supportive of her emotional state, especially if she is a new mom, as she may be going through postpartum.

4.) Only speak positively about her new body. Don't make comments such as these, "You weren*t this size when I married you." "I bet you couldn't fit into your wedding dress now." "How much did you weigh when we were married?"

5.) Respect, Enjoy and Treasure your wife's new body! With a new look, your intimate moments can become intimate encounters! Explore, ENJOY and I repeat RESPECT!

6.) a. Always tell her, "I Love You!"

b. Always show her your love.

c. Always do what make her to KNOW you love her!

7.) Refrain from placing compliments on another woman, be it a woman on television or a woman dining at the table across from you.

8.) Knowledge, know that your wife isn't going to always look and dress as she did before her pregnancy. She now has a baby or babies who demand her time and attention, this takes away from the time she would usually spend on herself. A compassionate husband would understand this and still be able to compliment their wife.

9.) If ever, you wonder about something being appropriate to do or say, reflect on this question. "Does this fall under RESPECT?" If you know it does not, then don't do or say it. If it does, then do, do and say it.

10.) Honor your wife for being your wife and know that "her price is far above rubies"

In conclusion, the decision for a woman to lose her extra childbearing weight is between her doctor and herself. Even at that, the decision is ultimately up to the woman alone.

By: Jacqueline Ennis

(c) Jacqueline Ennis 2005 - http://www.bodybybaby.NET

Jacqueline Ennis Publisher of Body By Baby

Body By Baby is a FREE Support E-Zine for women whose bodies has changed due to childbearing.

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This article is FREE for re-print the author would appreciate you informing her that you intend to re-print it. ([email protected])

This article will appear in the August 15, 2005 issue of Body By Baby


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