Fifteen Secrets of Safe and Permanent Weight Loss Revealed

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Fifteen Secrets of Safe and Easy Permanent Weight Loss Revealed!

* Nourish Your Body

* Control Your Hunger

* Take Control of What You Eat and Its Nutritional Density

* Lower Your Insulin Levels

* Stop All Forms of Sugar

* Do Not Lose Weight Quickly

* Do Not Rely on Exercise to Lose Weight

* Do Not Take Pills or Drugs

* Do Not Have Surgery

* Avoid Complicated Weight Loss Schemes with Long and Involved Recipes

* Avoid Weight Loss Schemes That Weigh Portions of Food

* Avoid Weight Loss Programs with Required Pre-Packaged Foods

* Forget Setting Goals, Visualizing Success and Your Own Weaknesses.

* Forget Personalized Diet Plans.

* And Last But Not Least -Forget Worrying About Your Weight.


Nourish Your Body

You must nourish your body. Certainly one can starve themselves and lose weight, but this is not the weight that you want to lose. When you don't eat, human biochemistry will keep the blood glucose levels high because glucose is the only molecule the brain can metabolize. It does this however, after just two or three days of starvation, by converting muscle protein to glucose via the biochemical pathway called "gluconeogenesis." This is not how you want to lose weight.

Control Your Hunger

You have to control your hunger. Hunger is one of the strongest urges the body has, right up there with survival and sex. Hunger is just like a river, you can "dam it up" but at some point it will spill over the dam or break right through it and the resultant downstream "feeding frenzies" will more than put back on the weight you lost by starving yourself.

Eat Organic

Take control of what you eat and its nutritional density. This is extremely important and it is your only chance of ever gaining control over your hunger. Here in America that means eating only organic whole foods that meet or are close to the body's requirement of 75% Complex Carbohydrate, 15% Protein and 10% Fat. Meat does not fit in this category since it contains no carbohydrate. Don't become a victim of the "Incomplete Food Cycle."

Lower Your Insulin Levels

Lower your insulin levels not by eating only meat or fructose but by reducing the number of feedings. The human body evolved with the elegant insulin / glucagon system for keeping the human alive and the brain well supplied with glucose. Like it or not, eating three meals a day plus snacks abuses this system and turns it into an "insulin only" system. That hyperinsulinism is implicated in most of today's lifestyle illnesses no one will debate.

Stop Sugar

Stop or cut back all forms of sugar. People are fat today, not because of ingested fat -they are fat because of ingested simple sugars like high fructose corn syrup. Sucrose or any combination of glucose and fructose is one of the most atherogenic (fat storing) substances known. The body has no way to utilize all these "hollow" calories other than convert them into fat (energy storage) with insulin. Starving yourself is not a good way to lose weight. Why not try to do something that your body can do, not something that it really can't do without disastrous consequences. Stop sugar, meat and dairy. That is something that is easily within what you can do and it will make your body better, not worse.

Don't lose weight quickly.

Do not try to lose weight quickly. The only weight you lose this way is the weight you do not want to lose. You can lose water quickly and become very dehydrated or if you starve yourself enough you will begin to lose lean body mass / muscle. This is not real weight loss and as soon as you begin to eat and drink anything at all, the weight will come back, just as quickly.

Exercise for improved immune function, not to lose weight.

Exercise is touted as one way to lose weight. Unfortunately, you may lose a little weight by starting an exercise program, but as soon as your body adapts to the increased work load, the weight usually comes right back, despite exercise. Exercise, not to lose weight, but to improve your immune system function.

Don't use pills or drugs.

Don't utilize pills or drugs to lose weight. The problem with pills and drugs is that instead of "nourishing" your body with the foods that will control your hunger and turn off your appetite, you just mask the hunger. Your body remains malnourished and as soon as you stop the pills your hunger will still be out of control and the weight will reappear.

Don't have surgery.

Don't have surgery, is really a no-brainer. Surgery has definite associated morbidity and mortality, especially in someone who is really overweight. The other real problem with surgery, is that once again you end up malnourished. Most of the human's required nutrients are absorbed in the small bowel, that typically is bypassed in these operations. Or, in gastric stapling procedures your stomach may be made much smaller, but, you still end up malnourished. In addition to becoming dangerously malnourished, once the bypass is corrected you will become just as overweight again because your body is still starving for the essential nutrients it needs to survive. Far better just to learn how to eat than go through the risk and trauma of surgery.

Avoid Complicated Recipes

Many diet plans today have you spending more time preparing your meals than anything else in your already busy and complicated life. While you may be able to tolerate this for some time, usually you wear out quickly and then its just one more diet plan that didn't work.

Avoid Measured Portions

Spending time measuring out portions is a real nuisance. Not only do you have to get adequate scales to accomplish this, but it is a real impediment to any spontaneous or creative cooking you may want to do. Again, this will not be tolerated long by most of us and soon the current diet fad will go out the window with the rest.

Avoid required foods.

Any program that requires you to buy its specialized foods should be avoided. The problem with this concept is that you lose control over what you are eating and the old rule of eating out applies, "unless you cook it yourself in your clean kitchen -you don't really know what is in it." If you are going to eat diet foods like this, make sure they are organic and whole.

Forget goal setting and visualizing success schemes or tips.

As nice as these sound on paper, they are really a large waste of time and rendered completely ineffective when they get "steamrollered" by an appetite out of control. If you have not gained control of your appetite by feeding your body what it needs, no amount of positive visualization, hypnosis or goal setting is going to get and keep you thin. If your diet plan relies on willpower, monthly meetings or such, I would get a new diet plan as you are doomed to fail.

Forget Personalized Diet Plans

How can you personalize a diet plan before you know how to personalize it? First, you need to walk before you try to run. First you need to feed your body what it needs for some time and then, your body will begin to tell you what it really needs and wants. You will create your own personalized diet plan just as much as I eat very differently than my ex-wife but we both are on the MericleDiet.

What to forget ... Worrying about your weight!

Finally, if you follow the fourteen steps outlined above you will arrive at a point where you are no longer concerned about your weight. If you feel you need or want help along the way the MericleDiet can get you started and keep you going.

Effective Weight Loss Begins with Effective Nourishment of the Body.

No diet plan that includes simple sugars and / or does not adequately nourish the body -will not be an effective diet plan for anyone. There is no diet plan today that accomplishes both of these goals as well or as easily as the MericleDiet. To visit the MericleDiet follow the link below:

Copyright John Mericle M.D. 2005 All Rights Reserved is devoted to achieving optimal health and peak performance through diet and lifestyle change. Dr. Mericle brings together a unique blend of formal training in organic chemistry and biochemistry, medical education, 29 marathons, 3 Hawaii Ironman competitions and a lot of practical real life experience.


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