Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips - Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 5 of 10

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Have you ever seen an overweight rock climber or yoga instructor? Why? Single out some one in the gym who is lean and healthy and there's a good chance they have good circulation throughout their body. People who have good circulation tend to have good stretchablity.

Low Body Fat Technique #5: Stretch your limits!

By far the most neglected part of any workout program is stretching. Why? It hurts. There is no instant gratification. It takes time are all the excuses. However, the draw backs of not stretching reach far worse. I believe stretching promotes better circulation, and it can equal lower body fat levels.

When I say better circulation, I also mean a better digestive system. This will have an effect on your ability to burn fat. Your body is a filtration system that acts like a screen. If the screen is plugged, the nutrients and fluids cannot circulate through it.

The bottom line is the better your circulation the more efficient your body will burn fat.

Here are some suggestions on how you can improve your body fat levels:

Put stretching into your workout regiment
Keep the fluids going through your body
Main goal is body fat not weight
Take your vitamins.

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