Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #9

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WAHOO!!! for YOU!! You are the most AWESOME person alive!! Stand up and repeat after me. Come on, get up and feel the presence of God all around you. Are you up out of that chair? You can stand up while you're reading, can't you? Okay, are you up? Now shout?. I am AMAZING, I am WONDERFUL, I am POWERFUL, I am my IDEAL WEIGHT, I LOVE myself, I am BEAUTIFUL, I am the DIVINE!! Phew!! How did that feel? I am always saying those words and I move my whole body. It is such an energy boost and every cell in my body dances with joy.

Wow!! What did you think of that exercise? You keep this up and you're going to have the world in your hands. You already do, you know. The world is right there within you, you just need to believe it. Okay, now shout?I DO BELIEVE IN ME, I DO BELIEVE IN ME, I DO BELIEVE IN ME!! Phew!! You got it!!

You're on FIRE now!! Do you want to keep feeling that fire? Then let's keep going with positive affirmations. Ready, set, go! Can you tell I was a former cheerleader? Well, until I got kicked off the squad for missing the bus back to school after a field trip to a local college. Hey, there were some cute college boys. I could not pass up a chance to talk to them. Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!!

Sorry, just remembering that experience made my temperature rise. I'm back on track now. Focus, Focus!! Ready to use your imagination? Imagine you're a cheerleader out on the field. You're in that cute, little uniform and you're looking so fine shaking your pom poms?.WHEW baby, you are looking mighty fine?hot stuff, in fact! Ready for the cheer? Give me a S, give me a U, give me a P, give me an E, give me a R. What's that spell? S?U?P?E?.R!! That's you!! Feeling so good!!

You have to be feeling great, now!! These are amazing demonstrations of just who you are. Remember that your brain does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. So keep this in mind when you're thinking. It's so easy to practice negativity because it's comfortable. But what does negativity get you? Pause and think about this? Does it get you what you want or what you don't want? I can't hear you!!

Now, I'm going to ask you another question? What does being positive get you? Does it get you what you want or what you don't want? I can't hear you!! Well, then why aren't you thinking more positive thoughts to get you what you want? If you're going to be thinking a thought, why not make it a powerfully positive one?

In your quest for weight loss, please remember weight loss programs will only work when you make peace with the inner emotions that drove you to overeat. You can do this by incorporating daily activities that keep you focused on the positives. Take out lesson #2 again and practice the techniques. When you have an issue, you can use RET having your eyes do the zig zag process. Practice EFT on a regular basis-it's a must for me. I do an entire routine each morning and night. It keeps me centered on my beliefs in myself.

So now for your homework. Get Louise Hay's book, You Can Heal Your Life. You can get it the library or through your local bookstore. It's like a Bible to me and I refer to it often. In fact, now my 20 year old daughter will pull it off the bookshelf whenever she is experiencing something negative to see what she needs to focus on. You, too, will benefit from having this book. There are a lot of positive affirmations. Enjoy!!

I leave you with a quote from Nelson Mandela's Inaugural Speech in 1994.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that
We are powerful beyond measure

It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us
We ask ourselves, who am I
To be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn't serve the world
There is nothing enlightened about
Shrinking so that other people
Won't feel insecure around you

We are born to make manifest
The Glory of God that is within us
It's not just in some of us
It's in everyone and as we let our light shine
We unconsciously give other people
Permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our fear
Our presence automatically liberates others.

This quote is on my wish board and I look at it everyday. It gives me the most spiritual experience when I look at it. I feel God's presence all around knowing that we are supposed to let all the light come in and manifest all that God intends for us.

You are the Divine and I am so proud of you!!

Love and hugs,


Tami Close uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight loss management practice. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others.


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