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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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How to Get Started on Permanent Weight Loss Program
Why We Start Diets on Monday The biggest problem with any attempt at change is where to begin? There are so many things to think about, so many distractions, so many reasons why it won't work. Have you ever noticed everyone seems to start a new eating plan on Monday? Why not start on Wednesday afternoon, or Friday morning for that matter? We've grown up counting the days, weeks, and years off like worry beads. Birthdays mark one year older and wiser, New Year's Eve marks a new beginning, the first day of the month and first day of the week; they all mark a new beginning. There is no reason you can't simply decide to begin right here, right now. So, let's start now. Really, I'm not kidding. You can decide to start at any time. You don't need to wait until Monday. "But, I always start a new diet on Monday!" Ah, but this isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle change. A lifestyle change isn't about being ON or OFF a program, you are just living, and this is about beginning from this day forward, whether today is Tuesday or Saturday doesn't matter. That's why lifestyle changes work best for long-term weight loss. It may seem like it takes longer to lose weight by changing your usual habits, but it doesn't. Think about all the diets you've been on, all the days, weeks, months you've wasted dieting, that have added up to a big fat nothing, except maybe more weight. That to me seems like taking a very long time, in fact, the chances are you'll never truly succeed with any ON again, OFF again program. They don't work over the long-term because as soon as you go back to your usual habits, your usual weight comes right back. How could it be otherwise? In contrast, a lifestyle change may take a month to see much difference, but once you do notice a difference, once you've lost that 10 pounds, it's gone for good (unless of course you run right back to your old lifestyle). Practice makes perfect. Since there is no way to be perfect, it's far better to decide you'll do your best and then proceed about doing it. Eating something "off plan" is not a lapse, it's a life, it happens. We all have treats at birthdays and too much to drink New Year's Eve but we don't continue that pattern the next day, so why think you must eat perfectly from now on? It won't work if you set yourself up to fail by expecting perfection. Better to work on making one small change at a time. Choose to Make One Small Change, Then Another Fad weight loss diets work over the short-term because you are drastically changing your habits, but drastic changes rarely stick. Who wants to live a life of deprivation? Not me. Instead, decide right now to make one small change. Choose something in your lifestyle that could be improved on and improve it. This is an ongoing process. As you lose some weight, you'll need to decide again and again whether you want to make any additional changes. I lost 80 pounds in nine months over 17 years ago. Over the years since then as my diet and daily habits shifted so did my weight. A few times I noticed I had put back on 10 or 20 pounds. That's when I'd begin to notice my clothes don't fit well and I either must buy bigger clothes or make some changes. I'd rather make changes in what I'm eating. My diet had shifted from a very healthy one to a pre-sweetened cereal for breakfast, cookies for lunch and grab what I can find for dinner lifestyle. Slowly the weight came back and despite thinking I wasn't eating that many calories, I actually was eating far more than I realized, plus the nutrition was poor quality. Your body needs quality food. Without it, you'll continue having hunger pangs despite having just eaten. Until you get some real nutrition you can expect to continue feeling hungry. The nutrition I was eating was poor and my body reflected that, plus I had stopped exercising completely. How to Lose 10 Pounds Without Really Trying I turned it around by returning to regular, consistent exercise (No. 1 best way to lose weight and keep it off is to exercise consistently), and I switched from pre-sweetened cereal to Grapenuts, oatmeal or other whole grain cereals. I still like cereal and eat it most mornings. I started to snack on fruits and vegetables instead of store bought cookies, and I started to eat quality protein with vegetables and salads for dinner. I still eat dessert most every night but now it's one-third the quantity it was when I had let my weight creep up. Small changes, but basically I'm still eating and living the same lifestyle. My choices are slightly different but that doesn't mean I wouldn't ever eat pre-sweetened cereal again. It does mean I know if I do eat Corn Pops (one of my favorites) I'll likely be hungry for something sugary sweet by 10 AM and keep that preference all day. It's also very likely if I eat sugary foods (highly processed like chips, pastries) for three or four days in a row, then it's going to be tougher to switch back to a healthier lifestyle. Consequently, I make an effort to not let the worse eating become a habit by nipping it in the bud. I still order a giant double-cheese burger with a family pack fry if I go to Dairy Queen but it's about twice a year instead of once a week. I tried to order a smaller burger and it didn't satisfy me, but cutting back the frequency was painless. Switching from eating at Dairy Queen once a week to more like twice a year makes a big difference. Another change I made was the Thursday night Chinese food take-out habit. No big deal except I'd buy enough for three days, so I was eating Chinese again, far too often. This is store bought, highly sugared Chinese food not clean healthy Chinese fare as you might cook yourself or get in a better quality restaurant. In fact, Chinese food is very healthy if it's not Americanized but I was eating breaded and sweetened things like Orange Chicken (you won't find that in any Asian country) and deep fried shrimp with that red sauce (tomato candy). Examine your usual eating habits and see where you might make small changes. Keep a notepad handy and jot down everything you eat for one week. It's not easy to do, but it's so valuable to really discover what you usually eat, and then make small changes either in frequency or quantity of those things. If you always eat french fries, then maybe once a week you could instead have an orange. Not the same I know, I'm just tossing out ideas. It's up to you to decide what you'll have instead. Remember, it's not about simply stopping your usual routine but switching to a new routine. No matter what you decide, start now. You aren't going to be eating perfectly, you're just going to work on eating a bit better, so get started. ~~ Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com lost 80 pounds over 17 years ago. She maintains her weight using the techniques she teaches in her 8-week Ending Emotional Eating online weight loss program, private coaching practice and her popular workshops. Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational mini lessons and tips for using EFT and NLP to end your struggle with weight loss.
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The Carbs Go In, the Cravings Come Out, thats What Weight Gain is All About It can happen with one bite. The moment those refined carbohydrates enter my body, it sets off this chain reaction. Empower Your Shopping Experience Healthy living begins with healthy eating and healthy eating begins with healthy shopping.. Lose the Weight for GOOD - Nothing to Lose or EVERYTHING to Lose? Some of you will not like what I'm going to say, even though it is the truth. That may be where the issue of America's health problems lies. How to Burn Pure Fat and Lose Weight More Quickly If you're trying lose weight, maintain your weight, or sculpt your body, than you're probably trying to discover how to burn pure fat. You want to know what you can do to make your body burn fat faster and more efficiently. Bathing Suit Season - A Lifestyle Guide To prepare ourselves for the Summer Sun we want to do more for ourselves than just watch what we eat. We want to get every part of ourselves moving, metabolizing and breathing. Advice for the Ill = Advice for the Well All of the things we tell sick people so that they recover more quickly are exactly the things that we should be doing every day. Following that advice will not only ward off disease, but also lead to greater energy and vitality, and best of all, weight loss. 5 Natural Weight Loss Tips For A More Beautiful You Living a powerful, healthy, fit and trim life is a true goal for many of us. Despite the easy cures in the form of weightloss drugs and dangerous fad diets, there are still plenty of natural, safe habits we can make a part of our daily routine to start us on this path. Is the Dr Atkins Diet Safe? The Dr Atkins Diet has been around for ages, but it has gained significant popularity just over the last several years. Despite its popularity, as with many low carb diets, the Dr Atkins Diet has been the subject of a lot of controversy. Fast Weight Loss - The Importance of Low Body-fat Levels! My name is Greg Ryan and I am a high profile fitness expert. In twenty years of being a personal trainer and health club consultant, I am frightened at how fast the health of Americans is deteriorating. Lose Fat and Retain Muscle By Getting In Touch With Hunger "Unless that apple tastes like the best apple you've ever tasted in your life, unless that treat or slight deviation in your diet tastes like a dish prepared by a professional chef - you ain't doing it right?unless you are always on the brink of hunger - hunger so deep and intense that eating a single piece of fruit or having a bagel with a hint of jelly is a transcendental taste experience, than you need to redouble your diet effort. There comes a point in deep dieting where the slightest stray from your day to day eating routine results in what I'd call, amplified taste. Lose Weight NOW! - The Truth or Consequences Diet? If you knew when you were going to die, would you really want to know? If you knew when you were going to lose your life, would you do anything different? If you had a choice of living longer or living a better quality of life, which would you choose, longer or better?People say, "if only" they had known they were going to have this happen to me, they would have done things differently. IF ONLY?I had not stressed so much about life. How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau Healthy eating has become part of your life, but you're still 10 or less pounds short of your goal weight. Don't worry. Obesity & Weight Management Is a Social Issue Much has been written about obesity and globesity. Obesity is perhaps the biggest drain on any nations economic resources with a mind-boggling costs to which researchers are yet to put a final figure. Read Food Labels To Lose Weight I was at the grocery store the other day, doing my weekly shopping and reading food labels like I always do, when and acquaintance came up and said, "Why are you reading labels? You can eat anything you want with all of that exercise you do!" I have to say that this is probably one of the biggest misconceptions that people have.I talk to many people who are frustrated because they are working out and not losing weight, or not seeing the results they want. Are You a Binge Eater? Ever wonder if you have a serious problem with binge eating?In a recent issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, I read a feature article about the treatment of bulimia and binge eating.Bulimia is defined as 2 or more episodes of binge eating (consuming a large amount of food in 2 hours or less) at least twice a week for 3 months. Are You Losing Weight and Getting Fatter? Your Can Turn Fat into Muscle.. Beating the Weight Loss Bandits If you're on a weight loss program you're under constant attack - attack from the food bandits all around you.There is food waiting to ambush your weight loss efforts at every turn. Nothing More Powerful Than Your Words Telling yourself you have to "struggle with this weight issue for the rest of my life," is as good as telling yourself there's no point in trying. "Why bother? I'll just gain it right back. Throw Out the Scale Do you know someone that is obsessed with the scale? Someone who hops on the scale morning, noon and night? And stepping off each time with feelings of frustration or disappointment? With obesity on the rise and weight loss a common household topic, its easy to become obsessed with weight, diets and the scale. This multi-billion dollar industry brings about constant marketing and advertisement on the next solution or quick fix that hits sixty five percent of American's weight issues. Why Should I Lose Weight? According to the BMI chart, if you are overweight, you may be more at risk of developing disease. That should be reason enough to lose weight. ![]() |
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