Bathing Suit Season - A Lifestyle Guide

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To prepare ourselves for the Summer Sun we want to do more for ourselves than just watch what we eat. We want to get every part of ourselves moving, metabolizing and breathing.

1) Exercise First Thing - Start in the morning. Move and breathe for at least 30min to an hour. Studies show that exercising in the morning burns up to 3x more fat than working out at any other time during the day. When you wake up in the morning your body doesn't have any carbohydrates stored to burn as energy so it turns to burn body fat to burn for energy. Your metabolism also boosts after your morning movement and stay elevated throughout the day. An elevated metabolism throughout the day only means that you'll burn more calories and lose more weight.

2) Breakdown Your Goals - One of the main reasons people fail to meet their goals is they set up unrealistic expectation or extremely complicated goals. Most of us have the tendency to jump to the end product without paying much consideration to what it actually takes to get there. Take a look at what I mean:

? My goal is to lose 8 - 10 pounds for the summer.

? My goal is to lose 1 pound a week to feel comfortable in my bathing suite by July 4th.

3) Get Your Sleep - You have heard me say it before and I will keep saying it ? if you want to improve your health and manage your weight get your right amount of sleep. For most people it is at least 8 hours of sleep. For some it is more, for some less. But if you are thinking you are of the "less" category because you stay up to watch television or do work, I encourage you to really be honest with yourself. Your body has to have time to recharge every night so it's fresh, ready and the metabolism is boosted to face the activity of the next day.

To your health and success, Heather

Heather Dominick is a Holistic Nutrition Counselor accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and creator of The Energy Rich Lifestyle Program?. In addition to her nutrition services, she is a motivating and dynamic speaker.

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