Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips - Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 6 of 10

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Do you know that while you work out the muscles are being torn down verses being built up? This sounds illogical doesn't it? You would think that you are doing the opposite? Well, over time this is true, yet in the short term it is different. This is why I encourage you to eat a balanced diet to replace all the fuel used in the workouts.

There is another area I would like to point out that is just as important as fuel when it comes to keeping your body fats low and that is don't under estimate the "Power of Recuperation."

Low Body Fat Technique #6: The Power of Recuperation

When I was training for the 1988 Mr. Michigan Bodybuilding Championships I had the opportunity to workout out with Mr. Universe for a summer. At the time I thought the more I amount of sets, reps, and time I spent workout would be better. The less fat I had in my daily diet would make me leaner. Brian (Mr. Universe) happened to be doing the opposite. He was doing less and getting better results. I asked him about the amount (not in weight, but in quantity) I was doing in comparison to what he was doing. He said, "You do not understand the power of recuperation, do you?" Obviously I did not! He went on to explain to me how muscles need rest to rejuvenate. The body needs good food to replenish nutrients lost in working out. He also explained that at some point the body just goes through the motions or exercises just to satisfy your mind. This is where injuries and burn out occur.

This sounds good, but doing it was not so easy. I tried his theory. I cut out half the sets of exercises and half the time spent in the gym. While mentally it was tough, it was almost immediate that I started noticing the results. My body was getting more rest periods and rejuvenating. This in turn allowed my body to work more efficiently by burning off fat and not hard earned muscle. What I realized was that there is a delicate balance between overtraining and getting the recuperation time your body needs in order to burn fat. However, it would be safe to say, more is not better.

While this may go against your logic, in the end it is vitally important to rejuvenate your body with adequate amounts of rest, vitamins, balanced diet, and sleep. Here are some suggestions on how to go about getting rejuvenated:

1. Put your workout program on a rotation. Certain exercises on certain days.

2. Listen to your body for signs of over doing it like, soreness, restless sleep, edgy, achy joints.

3. Take a few days off every three months to rejuvenate your mind and body.

4. Get food back in your body with in two hours after a workout.

5. Work smarter not harder. Less in many cases can be more.

The older we get the more important maintaining low body fat levels is. While exercise and good eating are a must, so is the need for rest.

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