Say No To Obesity

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Obesity still remains one of the commonest avoidable causes of several disease conditions. Most often than not, it is a result of the wrong habits or lifestyles.

Obesity is a case that cut across race, colour and gender. Obesity has several facets, it is closely associated with several ailments, the most alarming being hypertension, diabetes and most fatal is the psychological effects it could have on its victims. Teenagers commit suicide today because of obesity.


A close relationship exists between hypertension and obesity. In fact it is believed that most hypertensives are more than 10% overweight. Fat accumulation in the trunk or abdomen is not only related to hypertension but also to diabetes and hyperlipideamia (excess fat in the body). Obesity can contribute to hypertension in several ways. For one thing, obesity leads to a greater output of blood, because the heart has to pump more blood to supply the excess tissues. The increased cardiac output then can raise the blood pressure. For another thing, obese hypertensive individuals have a greater stiffness (resistance) in the peripheral arteries throughout the body. Finally, obesity may be associated with a tendency for the kidneys to retain salt in the body. Weight loss may help reverse problems related to obesity while also lowering blood pressure. It has been estimated that the blood pressure can be decreased 0.32mmHg for every 1kg (2.2pounds) of weight loss.


It is estimated that three quarter (�) of all Type II diabetes patient are obese. Indolent and affluent lifestyles tend to contribute to this. It is believed that a 10kg loss of weight can reduce fasting blood sugar level by almost 50md/dl. An active lifestyle with frequent exercise is also known to increase Insulin sensitivity.


The International standard for measuring overweight and obesity is based on a value called BODY MASS INDEX (BMI). This value is derived by dividing the body weight (in Kilograms) by the square of height (in Metres).

i.e. BMI = Body weight (Kg)/Height2 (Metres).
Note: 1ft = 0.305metres.

For adults, a BMI less than 25kg/m2 is preferred.
25 - 29kg/m2 is considered overweight and above 30kg/m2 is Obesity.


Sedentary normal individuals have a higher tendency of becoming obese when compared to very active individuals. Exercise burn out unnecessary body fat, lowers blood pressure and increases the body's use of glucose, example dynamic exercises such as brisk walking or jogging, swimming or bicycle ridding for 30 - 45mins daily or 3-5times a week may lower blood pressure by as much as 5 - 15mmHg. Normally, particularly type of exercise is started, and gradually built up to a satisfactory level over time. Regular exercise reduces blood pressure, burn out unnecessarily fat and also makes the body healthier.

Apart from the sedentary lifestyles developed by so many today, that has caused this tremendous rise in the obese population, another problem we face today is the food we eat. There are so many fast food joints out there, that it is almost impossible to ignore them. Not even with the busy schedules you and I run nowadays. We want the fastest things we can get around. See where that has lead us.

It is quite imperative to be careful and watchful of what we eat. It's quite easier to avoid eating the wrong set of food than to stop eating when the consequences arise.

Although, there is some bit of hereditary attached to obesity in some instances, eat the right food, live an active life and you will glad you did.

Mr. Kazeem Adefemi circulates articles that deals with preventive health. Presently you can contact mail him at [email protected].


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