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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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The Secret Meaning Of Compulsive Eating Behaviors
Food is not simply fuel to keep you going. Nor is it the enemy, out to turn your body into an ugly fat mass or clog up your arteries. So many expert sources dispense food "rules" to live by: Eat four of this every day, eat three of these everyday. Avoid these certain foods at all costs. Eat this food in moderation. The evening news bombards us with food dangers. Diets provide even more wacky "rules." No wonder food is such a messy subject. It's turned into an intellectual battle of good versus evil. I say enough of this determining what we 'should' eat by listening to other people's criteria. Wouldn't you agree that somewhere within yourself and your own body lies the source of knowing what you want to eat and how much to eat? It might just be time to reclaim your authority of your life and your body by trusting yourself as the ultimate authority of eating? Let's go back to basics. As human beings we are alive in a physical body. This is your body. It is your individual guidance system that tells you when you are feeling good and when you are not feeling good. This body is a multi-sensory body that contains everything you need to know when you are being true to yourself, what feels good to you, and what tastes good to you. Individually, we have purpose for being here on earth. We are meant to bring joy to earth through our physical bodies and the expression of ourselves. We eat by taking something from outside of ourselves into our mouth. Through chewing, we release the life from the food itself. Through the miracle of digestion, the life force that was within the food becomes a part of our physical body. The remainder is released as waste product and renews the earth. Through this process, we are the cycle of life. Somewhere in the process of growing up, we made many decisions about ourselves on this earth. We decided how alive we could be, how authentic, how open and real. We decided whether we have the right have to our own needs - and have those needs met. Whatever decisions we made are reflected in our bodies and in our food patterns. For any person struggling with resolving a food issue, the realization eventually awakens that the food issue was about something much deeper. The food is a language of sorts, speaking of our own decisions to be alive, awakened, authentic . . . or not. YOUR FOOD PATTERNS / YOUR ALIVENESS 1. Perhaps you have decided that you must be a pleasure-denier? Eating without sitting down. Eating unconsciously. Eating with guilt. Gulping down food in a hurry and always eating on the run. There's no time in this world for your needs and you do not rank as a priority in your life. Your life and your needs do not exist or are not as valuable as someone else's. To be self-centered is viewed as being selfish. 2. Do you binge in private? Not allowing anyone to see you having pleasurable foods? Having to sneak your pleasure in the dark? In a trance-like state, eating foods you don't want anyone to know you eat . . . in volumes you don't want anyone to know you want. You eat quickly, not wanting to get caught. The irony is that you're not really enjoying the food, you're not really hungry. It's usually a time we can be alone, with all your wants and desires. It is a time we don't have to pretend to be capable, competent, pleasant, likeable, strong, and without needs. It is a time to be entirely self-centered, where you don't have to take care of the needs of anyone else and can focus completely on yourself. 3. Do you deny yourself energy / food (forgetting to eat breakfast and lunch) throughout the day then attempt to provide yourself with as much pleasure as you can quickly get in the evening? Choosing to feel guilty afterward, once again denying yourself the pleasure of having what you want? Compulsive overeating is characterized by uncontrollable eating and consequent weight gain. Compulsive overeaters use food as a way to cope with stress, emotional conflicts and daily problems. The food can block out feelings and emotions. Does your eating style numb out your inner voice, your inner truth, your right to accept pleasure? 4. Do you restrict food entirely - denying yourself the energy needed for life? Perhaps leaning more towards anorexia. Never allowing yourself to be hungry. Hunger, your human need, stands for every need you have in life. Meaning, you have no needs. You are above being human. While underneath feeling you have no worthiness as a person. By denying your needs you deny your worthiness as a person. An attempt to be void, be empty. To say, "I deserve nothing." While at the same time playing a game of superiority saying, "I don't need anything." Hunger, and having needs, is part of being alive. 5. Do you hoard energy - holding onto as much energy (food and fat) as you can, not feeling safe without it? Keeping weight on your body as a way not to be too powerful, too sexually attractive, too alive, too authentic and real? Not trusting your self if you were thin. In this eating style, the subconscious fears becoming thin. Whether the fears are of starvation, sexuality, a new job situation, dating and relationships, career choices, family issues or just life itself, the weight may be serving the purpose of insulating you from those fears, from feeling, and thus avoiding personal growth and change. 6. Are you bulimic - somehow sensing it is your birth right to be powerful and have what you want, but also in conflict about your needs? Indulging in huge amounts of energy (food) but then raging and throwing up what you aren't allowed to have? Bulimics are usually people that do not feel secure about their own self worth. They usually strive for the approval of others. They tend to do whatever they can to please others, while hiding their own feelings. Food becomes their only source of comfort - but even that is not allowed. 7. Unconscious eater - Have you ever been nibbling on something for some time before you realize that you are actually eating? Have you had someone ask you, "Hey what are you eating or what did you have for dinner", and you couldn't tell them? Do you find yourself nibbling on food constantly while you are working, driving, talking on the phone, or watching TV without even thinking about what you are eating. Do you heap mounds of food on your plate? Do you put another bite into your mouth before finishing the last one? What are your fears? Are you allowed to have what you want? Can you fill up with enough? Can you sit down and accept all of what you need and deserve on one plate? We deserve all of the good things life has to offer, without having to perform for any of them. We don't earn worthiness, we decide we are already worthy and therefore accept more joy and abundance and love into us. We are deserving individuals by our very existence. I challenge you to take a look at your eating style. Look with non-judgement and without fear. Look without attempting to solve or get rid of the problem. Instead, be curious. What does your style of eating say about your right to be alive on earth, your right to have your needs met, your right to self-expression, your right to be powerful and empowered? What would your eating look like if you were filled up with your own life, passion, and joy, love, feeling good and having what you want? Dr. Annette Colby, RD
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Nutrition and Metabolism Disorder What is the relationship between intake of nutrition and metabolism disorder? Is slow metabolism the cause of my overweight? Are there any types of nutrition that can speed it up? Could a pill speed it up?There are many myths and misconceptions about metabolism. The idea that a low metabolic rate is always responsible for excess weight is one of them. Let's Talk About Fad Diets Although the big push for fad diets has died down a little bit, it is still estimated that at least two-thirds of Americans are on some type of diet at any given time. Although research shows the importance of eating from all the major food groups, people are still confused about what type of diet to follow, keeping the window open for more quacky solutions to pop up. Milk: The Weight Loss Drug Lose Weight - Grab A GlassIn childhood, we heard it: Drink a glass of milk at every meal. Now TV commercials are touting the weight-loss effects of milk and other dairy products. What Makes Your Blood Cholesterol High or Low Your blood cholesterol level is affected not only by what you eat but also by how quickly your body makes LDL-cholesterol and disposes of it. In fact, your body makes all the cholesterol it needs, and it is not necessary to take in any additional cholesterol from the foods you eat. Overweight - Control Your Eating Habits Weighing more than is normal, necessary, or allowed, especially having more body weight than is considered normal or healthy for one's age or build is risky for your health.How do you control these urges that drag you in an intoxicated shape away from your diet plan and down into the swirling vortex of pleasure? I researched on the topic to give you expert advice on how to enjoy that art called eating without turning in into a feeding frenzy. Weight Loss Success - When there are NO More Options Left! One of the worst things you can hear in life is when your doctor says, "There are no more options for you." What if you had to live your life thinking that there are no options, no way to turn your life around? Many times in life our health is taken for granted. Dieting Effects - Diet Pills When it comes to our weight and the appearance of our bodies, most of us are concerned about one thing or another. We have a hard time fitting into our clothes and we want to do something about it. Prejudice and Obesity - Have You Been a Victim? It's a sad comment on human nature that prejudice and obesity go hand in hand. Ask any person who has battled with obesity and they'll be able to reel off a list of examples. Weight Loss: How to Get Rid of Excess You Q: "I'm wondering if you can help me. I'm not fat by any means, but I do need to lose some weight. How To Burn 50% More Fat In Every Workout With Secrets For Weight Loss Success If your health and fitness are important to you, you hate the idea that you're not making the most of each workout. This is especially true if you face long work hours and kids. Dont Be Misled. The Best Attitude and Action for Weight Loss Weight loss can be one of the most difficult things to accomplish. Today's media and the marketplace can sometimes make the effort of weight loss even harder. The Fail-Safe Weight Loss Formula Yes Virginia, the fail-safe weight loss formula exists.It's so simple, we overlook it. Daily Weight Loss Motivation When you are faced with the daily challenge of trying to lose weight, you will need to find ways to stay motivated every day. The factors that keep weight loss motivation high include your specific goals, your ability to envision what you want to achieve, and the degree of success you have in the beginning. How to Lose Belly Fat: Latest Secrets from the Research Labs, Part 2 Abdominal fat is now seen as a growing health hazard, an indicator and contributor to "Syndrome X," or metabolic syndrome. The risks of metabolic syndrome go far beyond a bulge at your waistline, and include heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. How To Lose Weight Without Having To Starve Yourself I am somebody who has had an ongoing battle with my weight for most of my life. I have to be very careful what I eat as I seem to gain weight very easily. What Cows Know About Weight Loss That We Have Forgotten I want to talk to you about cows and what they can teach us about weight loss, or more specifically, fat loss. While it may not be obvious, we can learn a very important lesson from cows. Dont Blame Me If Im Fat! In a culture of blame-shifting we often look for someone to blame for our predicament. Being overweight is no different - who is to blame for obesity?"It's the fast food outlets - supplying us with fatty foods""Our thin-obsessed society is putting all sorts of pressure on even slightly overweight folks""The weight loss industry is to blame - after all if everyone was slim - they would go out of business"Some will simply blame the overweight person - making generalizations and attaching unhelpful labels to the person. Co-Dependency and Food: Trying to Fill the Void Nice girls don't speak up. Nice girls take care of and support others. Dieting? More is Not Better Exercising too hardThis is probably the most common mistake. As Americans we think if some is good more is better. Personal Space: Life After Lap-Band Surgery Have I become invisible or are people just aiming right at me? It seems to me that in a crowd these days, whether at the grocery store or 5th Avenue in New York City, people will walk right into me if I don't step out of the way. Or they stand so close to me I have to step backward in order to breathe. ![]() |
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