Weight Loss Success - When there are NO More Options Left!

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One of the worst things you can hear in life is when your doctor says, "There are no more options for you." What if you had to live your life thinking that there are no options, no way to turn your life around? Many times in life our health is taken for granted. Then something happens out of the blue that makes us think about life, our families and our health.

My twenty years of counseling thousands of people, training movie stars and exercising on an average five days a week, tells me that people are more committed to an exercise and weight loss program after some life-changing experience. It may be a death in the family, a broken bone, and a cancer scare -an event that threatens to take something away from you. You have to get to a point of desperation, a broken spirit that says, "Ok, I get the point. What do I have to do? I do not like feeling this way anymore." In other words, you realize that there are no more options in life, but to move forward on a fitness program and better lifestyle. You have come to realize that "the pain of remaining the same is much greater than the pain of changing." Unfortunately, this has to happen in order to convince yourself that you need to do something. Or does it?

Think back on other times in your life when things were not going so well. Life seemed to force you to slow down and smell the roses a little bit more, didn't it? But, you know it doesn't have to go that far in order for you to change. Here is what I suggest you to do:

Start today! New Years Resolutions don't stick because you wait to start on a certain date.

Get an accountability partner: Encouragement backed up with truthful accountability works great.

Just move it! Forget the details right now. Just start being active.

The bottom line is you are not promised tomorrow, diabetes can sneak up on you or you could have a heart attack tomorrow. Quit making accuses and start! There really are not anymore options left for you, other than facing the consequences.

LOSE WEIGHT NOW!FREE MINI COURSE http://www.resolutions.bz Discover the five step common sense way to lose weight that the medical and fitness industry's DON'T want you to know. Greg Ryan best selling author of the Changing from the "INSIDE OUT", former employee of Kathy Smith and a high profile fitness expert.


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