Struggling with Weight? - Get a Dog

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Just about every one of us struggles with our weight on some sort of level. There are usually two basic factors in weight control. The diet is not proper and not enough exercise is getting done.

If you have the capability in your life for a pet, a dog will offer you an excuse to get out more. Getting some exercise is as easy as taking the dog for a walk. It can be something that you do together.

Living in the city will offer you some excuses as why you cannot have a dog, but there are options. There are plenty of dog parks in just about any city for the two of you to run and play in.

Dogs offer unconditional love, and they'll beg you to go for a walk around the neighborhood. They are upbeat, energetic, and positive. Dogs won't give you the chance to feel bad for yourself in front of a potato chip bag.

A dog may not be the right choice for everyone, but it is a solid option. Many of us do need some extra push in our quest to lose weight. It can come in the form of an energetic dog, best friend, or a workout partner at the gym.

Finding a diet friend is only as difficult as you make it. Someone in your building or neighborhood is on a diet. When you get out and about, you'll find that friend that can keep your diet going.

Health Food Stores and the Farmer's Market

Getting the best food in your diet is key to the proper nutrition. If you are relying on the typical "conventional" foods to complete your diet recipes, you may be kidding yourself. Many of the foods in the typical grocery store have chemicals and preservatives that take away from the nutritional value in the foods.

On the other hand, whole food and natural food stores are careful about the foods they put on the shelf. The foods don't have chemical preservatives and are grown in organic soils. No MSG or hydrogenated oils are in the foods.

What all this means is the ability for you body to digest the food. When the stomach and intestines have to battle the chemicals, they cannot get the most out of the nutrients. Organic fruits, vegetables, and more are filled with nutritional goodness. On your next trip to the grocery store, ask if they would have eaten this one hundred years ago. Our foods are very over processed, but it hard to sift through the store.

Robb Ksiazek writes and publishes information on healthy diets and body at He believes that taking care of your body now will provide longevity and fulfillment.


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