Weight Loss: Keeping Your Results Over the Summer

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Having just returned from a week of basking on a beach, I couldn't help but notice how many over 30's were overweight and apparently doing little to help it.

The other thing I noticed from chatting, was how many people had low carb dieted prior to getting to the beach, yet didn't seem to be following any diet now, except perhaps a weight gain diet.

Many of us diet to look good on the beach, but then fall into our old habits once we get there, and end up getting back on the diet roller coaster yet again. If this sounds like you, here are a few tips to help you keep your weight loss and still have fun during the summer.

1. Prepare low carb snacks before you leave and take them with you.

2. Drink diet soda or Iced tea without sugar (ok Canadians, you can groan now...)

3. If you want to drink a little beer, try one of the new low carb beers.

4. Quench your thirst with a new Crystal Light Slurpee

5. Steak and salad makes a great summer bbq favorite.

6. Invite guests to your place and serve them your favorite tasty snacks like low carb fudge which just happens to be good for your eating program too!

So enjoy your summer and keep your carbs low. You'll not only look better in that swim suit, you'll also feel better knowing you won't again be trying to lose the weight you put back on after last summer.

Mike Boyd is a low carb enthusiast, successful writer and regular contributor to http://www.healthy-low-carb.com


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