Obesity:The Gateway to Diseases

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Do you know the name of that one disease which has spread in the U.S.A. like an epidemic? Are you aware of the fact that the maximum number of people suffering from this disease in the world are in no other country but U.S.A.? It might sound very surprising but it is true that obesity has tightened its grip on none other than the Americans. YES! The disease is Obesity, the very mild and harmless looking disease, which has often escaped the attention of the people. Because what people thought to be a simple case of overweight gradually took a bad shape in the form of obesity. The bulging paunch, the expanding waistline, the heavy fleshy face with eyes nearly closed or appearing like just two beads on a big sphere, these are the images of an obese which make others break into laughter suddenly. But obesity is much more than what just meets the eye.

Obesity is not only just about overeating and a flabby body. Infact Obesity is the gateway to a whole range of health problems. Actually obese people should not be an object of laughter but to be worried and cared for. We first have to understand that which kind of people fall into the category of obesity. Obesity is generally calculated according to the BMI index of a person's body. BMI stands for the body mass index of a person. BMI is calculated on the basis of the weight of a person in pounds divided by the square of his height in meters. If a person's BMI is 30 or more than 30, then he can be called an obese person. Obese people are prone to developing several cardio-vascular diseases, including high cholesterol leading to cardiac arrest, hypertension or high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and pain in the various joints of the body, to name just a few. Apart from developing these serious kinds of diseases obese people have difficulty in carrying on their every day activities. They cannot adjust or make themselves comfortable while moving in a public transport. And to top it all they have to undergo humiliation and a psychological pressure of being laughed at, jeered and what not. There are so many people who are stressed and have acquired depression because of their obesity. Infact obesity is such an alarming physical condition that you should definitely not ignore it.

People who are obese tend to have unusual cravings for food. Food becomes the only medium to satisfy their various mood swings. If they are in deep sorrow, they would resort to unnecessary eating to divert their mind from their sorrows and troubles and on the other hand if they are extremely happy then also their best companion seems to be only the food. Their eating habits become so irregular that they fail to realize that all what they eat goes on storing under their skin as unnecessary fat. This addition of the layers of fat to their already existing flab further worsens the condition. Thus obese people need to realize that eating is certainly not the only solution to ward off your sorrows or to share your happiness with.

It is not that obese humans are in love with their state. Infact if asked or surveyed, more than three-fourth of them would be ready to do just about anything to get rid of their obesity. With the mushrooming of health clinics and gymnasiums every where around there is no dearth of such people who are minting money at the cost of obese or over weight people. These health clinics have surely commercialized the treatment of weight reduction. Pick up the newspaper and you would get a glimpse of those several upcoming fitness centers who promise of weight reduction in the stipulated period. And the most important thing is, these overweight or obese people are made the scape-goats of any kind of new treatment that they find out. The most amusing thing about these health clubs who promise to reduce your obesity is that they charge absolutely astronomical rates sometimes, and its only when your weight is considerably high that you can gain because the higher your weight is the more benefit you will reap by getting discount in their charges.

But people who are seriously obese must have realized by now that just by forceful skipping of meals they are losing simply the percentage of water in the body and hence gaining nothing as far as their motive of weight reduction is concerned. No sooner you leave this your weight gain is surely going to return with a bang!

As earlier said, obesity is not just being overweight but a disease in itself. Just as you need a treatment for any other disease and you need to consult a general physician for your sickness, similarly obesity also needs a proper medical attention.

There are a wide range of weight loss medicines present which are available only after a thorough research done on them. These medicines help you in your efforts of losing weight. No doubt that dieting and exercising is going to bring your weight somewhat down but simply reducing a few pounds or kilograms is hardly going to make much of a difference to you. For satisfactory and a considerable weight loss you will have to resort to the medication as well which works in coordination with your diet plan as well as exercising. There are several weight loss medicines as such like Adipex, Bontril, Phentermine, Didrex, Meridia etc.

Before getting tired and finally giving up there is no harm in trying these medicines. These medicines work scientifically by stimulating your central nervous system in such a manner that it automatically controls your craving for food.

You can once again envy yourself by looking at your image in the mirror. All that it would require is a strong and determined will power, and a proper combination of a diet plan, exercises and of course weight loss medicines.

The author has been writing for various e-zines and websites. For further information on obesity and its medication visit http://www.phenterminepower.com. For any feedback mail her at [email protected]


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