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Fake Weight Loss Programs and Pills: Is Your Weight Loss Program Safe and Effective?
In this age being ignorant is like committing a crime. With so much of knowledge around you, following a trend blindly doesn't confirm the fact that you are intelligent. But the catch here is, GO BY RIGHT KNOWLEDGE. No doubt, internet is flooded with the wrong knowledge and myths that leads you nowhere, but it isn't hard enough to figure out the pearl in the ocean. Every now and then, we see some supplements or pills making tall claims which they down the line do not seem to validate. We will soon establish as we go on reading this article that there is absolutely no substitute for eating healthy and sweating out. In US, where weight loss has been a part of national consciousness for three decades, several studies have been done to evaluate the effectiveness of various weight loss aids. The major reason why most of these aids escape regulation is because they are branded as "food supplements" to escape the Drugs and Cosmetics Act that regulates the sale of medicine. Here are some findings:- 1) Starch Blockers: One of the most stupid ways to lose weight, they claimed to block the digestion of starch. Not only is the claim unproven but the users have complained of diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and stomach pains. 2) Glucomannan: It also failed on the FDA's yardstick. It promised to reduce your appetite by filling up your stomach but there seem to be no evidence to support it. Glucomannan is derived from the root of a japanese plant name konjac. 3) Spirulina: It is a species of blue-green algae containing some essential nutrients and is pretty safe but again, its effectiveness is still questionable. 4) Magnetic Diet Pills: The US federal trade commission has brought legal action against marketers of these pills. These pills contain a fibre that is been considered to act like a fat-magnet which consumes up to five times its weight in dietary fat. Sorry, it failed miserably! 5) Weight Loss Shakes: MAY BE an answer for short-term weight loss but users have gained weight immediately once they stop using these shakes. These shakes are diet drinks powdered formulas and are substituted for meals. Not only this way to lose weight in unhealthy but also short-term. 6) Bulking Agents: These fibre and gum products promises to control appetite be absorbing liquid and swelling in stomach, thus reducing hunger. But the fact is these bulking agents are indigestible. They can be harmful to the body causing obstructions in the intestines, stomach or esophagus. ---> To learn more about other fake weight loss programs and pills and how to differentiate between genuine weight loss programs and fake weight loss programs, visit http://www.weightloss-health.com/Fake%20Weight%20Loss.htm Random Tip: Try the much improved Atkins Diet addressing your mental strength too with immense motivational tips at http://www.weightloss-health.com/weight_loss_head.htm About the Author Jasdeep: for http://weightloss-health.com/ your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health. Also get free tips and tricks on weight loss and a chance to read most popular Weight Loss Programs Reviews at Weight Loss Programs Review If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.
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