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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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Help to Reduce Belly Fat
Can You Lose Weight Where You Want?If you have excess weight only in specific parts of your body, you still must look at yourself as a whole. It's not possible to spot reduce; in other words, you can't dictate that you only want weight to come off one place or another. In most cases your so called "trouble spots" is where the fat will come off last, so be prepared to lose weight in your fingers (rings fall off) and your face (friends may ask if you're feeling all right) first. There is hope for losing that belly fat though. Work Toward Building Muscle and Reducing Body FatIf you work toward building muscle and reducing body fat you will eventually tackle those trouble spots though, and develop a better physique in the process. Muscle tissue is active meaning it requires calories to be maintained. If you were stranded without a food supply, eventually your body would turn to its own muscle tissue as a source of nutrition first (muscles are protein) while saving the fat stores for last. Simply put, fat is nature's way of ensuring survival during times of famine. That's why the prevalence of heart failure kills someone who is severely malnourished. By building more muscle you become a more efficient energy burning machine which translates to mean you can eat more food! That to me is a good thing. The More Active You Are, The More You Get to Eat!That explains why some people can eat so much more than others yet not gain weight; your efficient energy burning friend simply has a greater proportion of muscle to fat than you. Muscle is more dense than fat. It's often said that a pound of muscle is heavier than a pound of fat, but the truth is a pound is a pound. What they mean is a one pound volume of muscle is a smaller package than a one pound volume of fat, or put another way, fat is billowy and fluffy while muscle is sleek and compact. Lady No. 1 weighs 120 pounds with 30% body fat so she has 84 pounds of lean tissue and 36 pounds of fat, while Lady No. 2 also weighing 120 pounds but at 18% body fat is carrying roughly 98 pounds of muscle and 22 pounds of fat. Would you rather be Lady No. 1 or Lady No. 2? Which do you think takes up more space, 22 or 36 pounds of fat? I'd say 36 pounds of fat would be a lot bigger package than 22 pounds. How Much You Weigh is MeaninglessThat is why body weight as a number by itself is meaningless, but your ratio of fat to muscle is very important and worth working to change. Strive to decrease your body fat and increase your muscle mass and you'll look better, you'll feel stronger and more energetic and you'll simply be healthier. You can generally have your body fat tested at fitness centers and most gyms so ask about having it done. It's better to know you have 30% body fat and work to reduce it to 29, than not to know and only think in terms of body weight. Most people who think only of how much they weigh tend to do everything to reduce that weight, and it's usually at the expense of losing more valuable muscle. The best way to increase muscle and decrease fat is through a consistent exercise program. Start at whatever is your beginning, but do start. Begin with an overall body conditioning type exercise program, doing whatever you enjoy, whether it be a sport, gardening, weight lifting, biking, hiking, or any other activity. Any physical movement you do regularly counts as exercise even if it is doing laundry or taking out the trash. Get as much as you can out of every chore you do, and stop thinking of it as a chore but instead as an opportunity to move your body. In the early 1900s a washing machine was a new invention. People used to wash their clothes by hand, and hang them outside to dry. Being a housewife was actually a pretty strenuous job. It's no wonder women were thankful for modern conveniences like automatic washers and dryers, but now we've come to where our daily activities are not taking our bodies at all, so unless we want to get fatter and fatter we must do something about it. Get Fit and Belly Fat DisappearsIt doesn't make sense to drive around and around in the parking lot looking for the closest space when you're on your way to run or walk on the treadmill. Why take the elevator five flights every day at work and then pay a monthly fee to do the StairMaster after work? What if we all started to notice that our world is full of exercise equipment. We could become so much more fit if we'd just start to notice all the opportunities for physical movement we miss in the name of convenience. Look around and see if you can spot some exercise opportunities, and then get busy and get fit. ~~ Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of the free e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.
Weight loss stalled? Scientists may have figured out a way to trick metabolism into speeding up New York Post AbbVie Enters The Obesity Arena. And It's Not With A GLP-1. Investor's Business Daily Coloradans warned of counterfeit weight-loss drugs, more Health Headlines Grand Junction Daily Sentinel Can weight loss and body positivity co-exist? FOX 26 Houston Do weight loss drugs like Ozempic directly impact intimacy? The Indian Express She Felt Fine. So Why Had She Lost So Much Weight? The New York Times Can nicotine help you lose weight? Nebraska Medicine How to trick the body's metabolism: Mouse study reveals new path for weight-loss and diabetes treatments Medical Xpress Novo Nordisk (NVO) Faces Securities Class Action After GlobeNewswire The Spectacular Dive That Saw Hims Stock Lose 45% Over Five Days Investor's Business Daily Khloé Kardashian's Latest Remarks About Her Weight Loss Are Both Damaging And Heartbreaking BuzzFeed Tackling nutrient deficiencies is key to long-term weight loss success, says nutrition expert Nutraceutical Business Review How to Make Jump Rope Twice as Effective for Fat Loss Men's Journal Dr. Sterling Elliot: Weight loss drugs and chronic pain WGN Radio - Chicago AbbVie Enters Obesity Field, Paying $350M for Amylin Receptor Agonist Already in the Clinic MedCity News As diabetes drives up Kentuckians’ use of weight-loss drugs, worries arise about unintended effects LINK nky Scott Disick Breaks Silence on Using Weight-Loss Drug Mounjaro With NSFW Clapback - E! Online E! NEWS Form Health, the National Leader in Science-Based Total Weight and Cardiometabolic Care, Named a “Fierce 15” Company of 2025 Business Wire Doctors Explain If Red Light Therapy Really Works for Weight Loss Prevention Magazine '1000-Lb Sisters' Tammy Slaton Reveals Weight Loss Tips in Video Showing 'Amazing' Progress Parade Magazine Who Should Take Weight Loss Injections, and Who Shouldn’t? News-Medical.Net You Can Quiet Food Noise Without Weight Loss Meds—Here's How Women's Health Health alert: Bikini Forte weight loss capsules withdrawn due to cardiovascular problems Marca English How Scott Disick Reacted To "The Kardashians" Accidentally Exposing His Weight Loss Medication BuzzFeed Law's Sharona Hoffman emphasizes risks of obtaining non-legitimate GLP-1 weight loss medications The Daily | Case Western Reserve University New Study Finds Online Advertising for Compounded Diabetes and Weight-Loss Drugs May Mislead Consumers Yale School of Medicine Weight loss drugs may become harder to get. What does that mean for patients? | On Point - WBUR News World Obesity Day: Why sustainable weight loss matters, help you lose weight the healthy way Moneycontrol 20 High-Protein Soups for Weight Loss EatingWell Woman, 45, lost 6st 4lb by changing 4 parts of her lifestyle - 'the fat started to melt off' GB News We know so little about taking weight-loss drugs without prescription – is it really worth it? | Devi Sridhar The Guardian Double Take: Jelly Roll Jokes About Weight Loss and Getting Mistaken for Post Malone American Songwriter Atlantic Medical Group - AMG Weight Loss Center Introduces Innovative Spatz Balloon Procedure EIN News Patients struggle with lack of consistent coverage for popular weight-loss drugs The Associated Press Quick, Unexpected Weight Loss in Older Adults May Mean Higher Risk of Dementia Later On - Health.com Doctors using GLP1 to help with knee replacement surgery WPBF West Palm Beach Green tea for weight loss: Does it work? Medical News Today |
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Stop Trusting the Scale--Its Probably Wrong Anyway Have you ever stepped on the scale after a week of "being really good" only to be rewarded with an eye popping four pound gain? Don't despair! Your scale isn't trying to ruin your efforts and it doesn't hate you. True health is measured in many ways, only one of which is your outward appearance, and what you weigh is the least reliable measure of all. What Diet Plan Is Best For Losing Weight? The answer to the title of this article is "none." That's right, no diet plan on its own is very effective for permanent weight loss. Free Tips on Losing Weight Here are a few free tips on losing weight that really work. Starting with your behavior, you need to start thinking thin and realizing that weight loss begins in your mind. Quick Weight Loss or Quackery Cellulite - Reduce The Appearance --------------------------------- Sallie Elizabeth has always had large breasts and a big bottom, and she has accepted them as part of her genetic makeup. But when cellulite appeared in the back of her upper leg, she "freaked out" and resolved to do something about it. How Safe Is the Atkins Diet? The Atkins Diet Seems To Never Go AwayFad diets come and go, but The Atkins Diet, a high-protein, low-carbohydrate weight-loss plan, seems never to go away, no matter how many medical professionals denounce it."Low-carb diets have been linked to increased frequency of colon cancer, formation of kidney stones, kidney disease, and even osteoporosis," says Neal Barnard, MD, president of the Physicians Commission for Responsible Medicine, a nonprofit research group based in Washington. LA Weight Loss Secrets - High Profile Personal Trainer Shares the Magic Formula! In the early nineties I had the opportunity to work with some of the most famous movie stars in the world. As a manager and personal trainer for Kathy Smith and her health club, I experienced first hand the secrets to the stars. Weight Loss Plateaus -- 7 Easy Steps to Overcome It Have you ever experienced this scenario before?"I have successfully lost 15 of the 25 pounds that I want to lose, but now I am stuck at the same weight even though I am faithfully controlling my food intake and doing my exercises. What happened? Is the diet not working anymore?"Yes, many women over 40 start off their weight loss programs full of excitement and determination, and indeed you do see the pounds dropping off over the first few weeks. Fast Weight Loss for Special Occasions Losing weight quickly is not advisable as most of the loss will be muscle tissue and water; you put on the weight slowly (usually over years) so normally you should take it off slowly and then you will know that the majority of the loss will be body fat.But you have a problem here and the clock is ticking so you will have to diet pretty hard to meet your target weight loss. Exercise Bike Program - How to Lose Weight Your pants are a bit tight, you can't seem to stop eating junk, and you're tired all of the time. It's time to get healthy and lose weight. Combating Obesity So you ask, "How do I determine if I am Obese, Overweight or fat?" Usually 20% or more over recommendations on standard weight charts indicates that you fit into the obese category. Obesity refers specifically to having an abnormally high proportion of body fat. Failed at Weight Loss: Heres Hope All Diets Work: No Diets WorkHave you lost weight in the past only to regain it a short time later? Have you followed every diet including Atkins, South Beach, the Drinking Man's diet, the Peanut Butter diet, or even the Chocolate Diet? All of these diets work, and none of them work, meaning, you can and probably do lose weight on any of them, but you won't keep it off. Why not? Because the day will come when the diet is over and you're right back to your regular routine; the same routine that got you fat in the first place. Why Did Your Diet Fail You? Or Did You Fail Your Diet? Are you someone who has, in the past, been on a diet, only to find at the end of it you had lost no weight? Despite putting your best efforts into the diet much of the time, and keeping quite close to recommendations when it came to calories and so on, for some reason things did not quite work out. Eventually, with the pounds drifting off too slowly and back on again too quickly, you just gave up, and went back to "normal". America Health Watch America loves fast food. Last year, consumers spent billions of dollars on the hamburger industry alone. Pathological Eating Disorders and Poly-Behavioral Addiction When considering that pathological eating disorders and their related diseases now afflict more people globally than malnutrition, some experts in the medical field are presently purporting that the world's number one health problem is no longer heart disease or cancer, but obesity. According to the World Health Organization (June, 2005), "obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with more than 1 billion adults overweight - at least 300 million of them clinically obese - and is a major contributor to the global burden of chronic disease and disability. The Fastest Way To Your After Photo You've seen them a hundred times: "Before" and "After" pictures. Are you ready to be the one in the photos? Don't wait until you lose more weight. Preventing Overweight and Obesity - Are You Responsible Enough? Obesity is now assuming epidemic proportions. Worldwide there are over 1 billion overweight people and out of that more than 300 million in the obese category. The French Fry: Weapon of Mass Destruction? Americans have their French fries, the British have their chips, Latin America has its papas fritas, and the French have their pommes-frites.We love them. Low Carb Diets - Are They For You? The revolution is here. Weight Loss as we know it has changed forever because of one diet. Are You Ready To Lose Weight? I know, I know. What a crazy question!Considering that we've all tried so many diets until we can give calorie counts in our sleep - where do I get off asking a question like that?But bear with me please. Advice for the Ill = Advice for the Well All of the things we tell sick people so that they recover more quickly are exactly the things that we should be doing every day. Following that advice will not only ward off disease, but also lead to greater energy and vitality, and best of all, weight loss. ![]() |
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