Does Lipoxinol Really Work?

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Lipoxinol Weight Loss Review: Does Lipoxinol Live Up To All Of The Hype?

Lipoxinol is one of the most popular weight loss products to hit the market recently-probably due to the fact it was positively featured on a popular tv news magazine show.

Is Lipoxinol really that good? Can it work for you? Let's try and get some answers to those questions by taking a close look at the Lipoxinol formula and it's base of ingredients.

The product claims to effectively fight fat via a triple-layered mechanism of actions. Why is that important? The product takes a complete and well rounded approach to safe and effective weight loss. There is an appetite controlling function, a thermogenic function, and a powerful thyroid-boosting function. Something you definitely don't see in an everyday weight loss product.

1) Fiberzide? is the proprietary blend of the soluble fiber glucomannan and xanthan gum (caffeine extract). The combination of these two powerful elements can lead to weight loss in and of itself by effectively suppressing appetite, as well as giving you a general feeling of satiety or fullness.

2) Thermazene? is a catalyst blend of thermogenic ingredients in the Lipoxinol formula. This powerful fat burning blend contains Green tea, Caffeine, and Forslean. How well does each ingredient work?

a) Green Tea is a top notch ingredient that has the ability to effectively increase one's metabolism by as much as 4-6% This "speeding up" of one's metabolism can easily lead to the reduction in overall body mass, i.e., weight loss.

b) Caffeine, which speeds metabolism, is the most-active ingredient in many "diet pills." Caffeine breaks down fat, freeing fatty acids which are immediately burned. Conversion of fat to energy is about 30 percent more efficient when caffeine is consumed prior to exercise.

c) Forselean is an extract derived from Coleus forskohlii roots, a plant native to warm temperate habitats including India. Coleus forskohlii is the only known plant source of forskolin, a natural compound that has been shown to increase lean body mass and help optimize body composition.

To read more about the safety and efficacy of Forselean read more here:

3) Vinpocetine is a semi-synthetic derivative of vincamine. Vincamine is an alkaloid derived from the plant Vinca minor L., a member of the periwinkle family. Vinpocetine, as well as vincamine, are used in Europe, Japan and Mexico as pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of cerebrovascular and cognitive disorders. In the United States, vinpocetine is marketed as a dietary supplement.

4) Bioperine is a patented extract of the black pepper and long pepper berries harvested in India. Bioperine's value is that it has been established to enhance the bioavailibility of certain supplements through increased absorption. In other words, when combined with Bioperine, numerous vitamins, minerals, amino acids and anti oxidants are more efficiently absorbed and utilized in the body.

5) Thyrotrem? is the assigned name of the proprietary blend of thyroid boosting components in the Lipoxinol formula (Guggulsterones, Sclareolide and Kelp). Thyrotrem? represents one of the most powerful synergistic blends that can be found in any weight loss product:

a) Guggulsterones have been shown in studies to drastically reduce cholesterol levels, improve acne conditions, and increase thyroid hormone levels (thus greatly increasing fat loss).

b) Sclareolide is a patented extract from the Clary Sage plant. Sclareolide has been shown to increase thyroid hormone production. Since the thyroid is responsible for metabolic rate via the hormones it releases, increased output of the thyroid results in an increase in metabolism. Sclereolide has also been shown to help build lean body mass while reducing body fat-all without a cardiovascular stimulant effect.

c) Kelp is an especially good source of iodine. Iodine is essential for thyroid function and this is probably where the idea that kelp can speed up metabolism originated.

After thoroughly reviewing the Lipoxinol product I have to admit it, Lipoxinol is simply a great weight loss formula. I definitely would recommend this product as a top notch thermogenic fat burner.

Peter is in the process of completing his book titled "Extend Your Life Beyond Today." He takes a close look at the link between nutritional supplements and human life extension. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California with his wife and four children.


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