Cellulite: Do We Have To Lump It?

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What is cellulite? Ask a doctor and he will probably say there is no such thing: it is just another word for fat. Ask a woman who has it and you will get a very vivid description usually including the words "orange peel". Most women over the age of thirty are either worried about getting it, checking their thighs for the first signs of it, or bemoaning the fact that it has already taken hold and that from now on it's a case of covering up with that sarong on the beach, so that others need not witness the full horror of it.

These are the facts about cellulite from one who knows:

1. It appears to affect only women.

2. It mainly colonises the thigh area.

3. Once it gains a foothold, it will spread across the whole of the upper thighs and possibly onto the buttocks.

4. Exercises which target this area may possibly improve muscle tone, but will not have any effect on cellulite.

5. Losing weight may reduce the amount of fat in the area, but the cellulite will still be there.

6. It is fat, but it is not just fat. It is lumpy, porridge-like fat.

Is there any hope? Is it possible to reduce or even eliminate cellulite? Can we avoid getting it in the first place?

To answer these questions, we need to know what causes cellulite in the first place. Many people who have studied this question believe that it is caused by a build up of toxins in the body which the lymphatic system is unable to deal with effectively. It is possible that we could either prevent or treat it by consuming less of those foods which tend to cause this build-up of toxins. In other words we need to consume mostly unprocessed, preferably organic, foods, including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. In order to help the elimination of toxins, we should also be drinking the recommended two litres of water per day.

Another remedy which many beauty specialists recommend is body brushing. Using a specially designed brush, you dry brush the skin in the affected area, before showering. This practice is also intended to help with the elimination of toxins, by improving blood circulation.

Finally, there are many products which have recently appeared on the market, designed to improve the appearance of cellulite-affected areas by their application onto the skin. They claim to penetrate the skin and draw out impurities, bringing about visual and measurable improvement in the thigh area. Though some of the claims made may be exaggerated, many women who have tried these products have noticed some improvement.

Do we have to lump it? I think it depends on how advanced the problem is and on how much time, money and effort you are prepared to devote to it.

http://1Cellulite.com - Discover what you can do to remove & avoid cellulite Now!


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