Diet & Weight Loss Tips: How To Stop Eating Junk Food By Finding Your Craving Hour

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Even if you're not overweight, you still could have a junk food craving; especially if you're cooped up in an office building, working 9-5 and not exactly having the best day.

If you're like almost anyone else, you've probably had your share of cravings for some kind of excitement or satisfaction in the form of junk food. It's all around us, and once you try it, it's so easy to end up wanting it again. After all, there aren't many things in this world which can compare to the relaxing, creamy, sensual experience of chocolate.

So, what are you and I to do? I have the same problem to deal with because I like Whatchamacallit bars and a good cheeseburger every now and then. Ideally, the solution is to gather together all the will power you have, and force yourself to stay away from junk-foods for at least one week and begin doing cardiovascular exercise 5 days a week.

Well, too bad. Not everyone has time to do that, - especially people like us who have to do the 9-5 day just to put food on the table - so we need another solution? something you can do more gradually, and without taking up much time.

You must identify your junk-food hours. Start by putting an index card in your wallet or purse. Keep track of times in the day when you really want to hit the candy machine, coke machine, or the bags full of crunchy potato chips - anything that interferes with your good eating habits. For many of us, this time is usually mid-afternoon, but for others like me, it's around 10pm-12am. Oh yeah? what a bad time to load up on carbs!

Track your self for a week using the notecard. If you have time, please share your progress or your life with us over at We really need more members to help our community flourish. If you're up for it, expect a warm welcome!

Copyright (C) Shoppe.MD and Ian Mason, 2004-2005

Ian Mason of, the best free weight loss forum on the internet.

Ian is a fat-to-fit student of health, weight loss, exercise, and several martial arts; maintaining several websites in an effort to help provide up-to-date and helpful information for other who share his interests in health of body and mind.


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