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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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Setting Objectives For Weight Loss
I am sure that when I mention setting objectives for weight loss, the majority of people will be thinking in terms of how many pounds in weight that they, or someone else, should lose. That is similar, in a way, to those who consider setting financial objectives, and then state money as an objective. Really, if they think about it more closely, money is not an objective; the real objective is what you are going to do with that money. If it is to buy a new house, then the objective is that new house; if it is to retire to Mexico by the sea, then the objective is that new home in a new location, Mexico; if it is to help poor children in Africa, then the objective is helping children in Africa. The objective in those cases is not the money itself; money is worthless if it sits there doing nothing. It just happens to be that many objectives require money to achieve them. In a way, there is a similarity with weight loss; should weight loss be classed as an objective in itself? Perhaps not, but that does not really matter; what matters is finding the best way for you to lose weight. If you think about it, your decision to lose weight is as a result of other factors. Weight loss is not something you have suddenly considered in isolation; a number of other things have probably caused you to think of weight loss as being necessary. It is those "other things" that should be the subject of your objective setting. Why You Need To Broaden Your Weight Loss Objectives Weight loss is a very narrow objective. You may think, "why not, what else is there to say?" Losing weight is not an easy task. That extra weight has probably been the result of many years of bad eating and exercise habits. So, you decide to lose weight. Well, you won't lose weight, and keep it off, without the full co-operation of your subconscious. For years, your subconscious has been your chief assistant in making you fat. Now you are suddenly going to say that the new name of the game is weight loss. With that narrow objective of weight loss, you have done nothing to convince your subconscious this is a good idea. You have given no reason or reasons, so why should your subconscious co-operate with this meaningless weight loss exercise? In your attempts to have a narrow body, you need to have a broader mind and set of objectives. Carefully chosen objectives will broaden your argument with your inner self, and are likely to be far more motivational. You will be choosing a sensible diet and exercise regimes to assist in reaching those objectives; weight loss will be incidental, just as money was in those earlier examples. How To Set Weight Loss Objectives You need to sit down quietly, and try to think as clearly as possible of the reasons why you have decided you want to lose weight. The true reasons, that is, not something like "cos I'm too fat." Once you have isolated the reasons, whether there's one, two or many, then write them down. Those are the reasons you have suddenly decided to lose weight. Those should be the subjects of your objectives. I will give a few examples to help you to understand the concept: 1. Reason to consider weight loss: You're embarrassed going into a boutique and trying on size 18 dresses. Objective: To be able to go into boutiques and try on size 12 dresses?..successfully. 2. Reason to consider weight loss: You've read a lot about the association of being overweight and hypertension, and your blood pressure is high at 150/90. Objective: To achieve a stable blood pressure of 120/70. (NB such blood pressure targets need to be discussed with your doctor, and will vary according to age and other factors. This is purely for example purposes.) 3. Reason to consider weight loss: You're sick of being introduced to women, and sensing them looking you up and down with disgust. Objective: To have women look at you admiringly again. Those are just three examples; you may have more or less, but you could find it an interesting exercise analyzing yourself to see why you really want to lose weight. How To Achieve Weight Loss Objectives Consider those three example objectives above, and you will see that none mention losing weight. However, all are based on convincing reasons, that are more likely to get full co-operation from your subconscious. With those three objectives, losing weight can play an important part in achieving them, without being the main objective itself. So what you have done is to bring a broader front (if you'll pardon the expression) to your weight loss objective setting. There's no reason to stop going to Weight Watchers or other weight loss group; there's no reason not to have a target weight. After all, they are now in harmony with the three objectives you have already used to seduce your subconscious into co-operation. How, then, can you set about achieving those objectives? A combination of meditation and visualization each day should help you convince your subconscious you are serious about these objectives. Here are a few tips: 1. Write the objectives down and keep them handy. 2. Read the objectives and repeat them, orally if possible, morning, lunch time and evening. 3. Morning and evening, in a quiet time lying down, relax your body, and focus on your breathing. Gradually dismiss all distraction around you, and then start to focus on each objective in turn. Repeat the objective in your mind, and visualize your successful achievement of it. See yourself proudly trying on that size 12 dress in front of admiring assistants; or walking into a party of strangers and the women looking admiringly at your new physique. Give no dates for your objectives, let that come naturally. Repeat the process as long as necessary; weeks, months, years. Each time you visualize the achievement of your weight related objectives, your subconscious becomes more in tune with what you, consciously, want. Together, you will become a powerful team in the weight loss game. This setting weight loss objectives article is by Roy Thomsitt, owner and part author of routes-to-self-improvement.com
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