How Dance Dance Revolution is Getting Kids Off the Couch

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Are you concerned about the lack of exercise your child is getting?

Would you like to see them up and moving instead of sitting around so much? Dance Dance revolution is the lastest dance craze that is a fun and addictive way to help your child get get up and move without realizes they are even exercising.

Our kids health and fitness is more important today than ever before since video games, tv and computers are turning our kids into couch potatoes. This new dance craze called Dance Dance revolution is a video game played on a gaming system but it is not your typical video game. This fun and exciting Dance pad is hooked up to any playstation or Xbox then the player chooses one of their favorite songs from the DDR video game This fast paced game will surely get your child's heart pumping and their feet moving! The player chooses their song and they move their feet to the pattern of the arrows on the dance pad while keeping the beat to the flashing arrows that are moving side to side and up and down. As your child gets more practice on this engaging game, you will move to higher and higher levels which will progressively turn the game into a fun and challenging workout.

There are many kids today that do not like the typical physical activities that sport provide but once they try Dance Dance Revolution they are usually hooked.

There are many levels from beginner to advanced even the youngest of children can play Dance Dance Revolution.

What better way to get your children involved in exercise than by doing something they love.

If you have a gaming system such as a Playstation or Xbox you can own Dance revolution, just connect the DDR Pad to any of these systems. If you want your kids up off the couch doing something that is good for them while they are having fun I highly recommend DDR. What better gift can you give them? Next time your child asks for a playstation or Xbox game buy them the DDR pad and game.

Make sure your child keeps his water bottle close by, he's going to need it after this workout.

Weight Loss and Dance revolution

Dance Dance Revolution games offer a specific "Workout Mode" in which players can choose a song, and play accordingly using either the normal step routine, or a modified step routine designed to provided a workout. The workout mode also allows players to track their progress, not in the standard step scores, but by calories burned, minutes played, and distance traveled. The game also calculates the equivalent of DDR dancing to common exercise activities, and can keep track of a player's weight as well.

The built-in workout features have inspired many DDR fans to make playing DDR their primary source of exercise, and some have built entire weight-loss regimens around the game. However, as with all new diet or exercise plans, it is recommended that one discusses the changes with their doctor

There are many different types of DDR pad you can purchase. You will need a gaming system such as a Playstation or an Xbox and of course the DDR pads and DDR games.

So if you are interested in an extremely fun way to get in shape go ahead and give Dance Dance Revolution a try!

Dance Dance revolution

Natalie, 14, was drawn to the pulsing techno songs, and didn't realize she had slimmed down until she went clothes shopping. "I went to go buy pants and the 14s were too big. The more I played, I gradually had to get smaller size pants," said Natalie, who now buys size 8 baggy cargoes

Zachary 13, I did not even realize that I was exercising until my mom said something to me one day about losing weight. I realized that Dance revolution was not only fun but I was getting a great workout!

Denise Nero Personal fitness trainer and owner of Fitness and Kids. To learn more about Dance Dance revolution and other unique fitness items for kids stop by


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