Writing Information

How To Publish Your Own Newsletter

With the expansion and diversion of businesses, manufacturers, and even hobbyists into more and more specialized areas of endeavor, there is an increasing need for information. And newsletters are the high profit way to cash in on the market for specialized information.

71 Ways For A Writer To Make Money

There are so many ways for writers to make good money by writing. Some people love to write, even as a hobby. You can turn your writing skills into income. Here are a brief list for your reference.

Secrets Of Successful Authors

When the writing bug hits you, get out your pencil, typewriter,a word processor or tape recorder and go to work.

How To Self-Publish Your Own Books, Manuals, Reports Or Newsletters

You can make a lot of money by writing and self-publishing your own material, if you are willing to write books, manuals, reports or newsletters that millions of people across the United States, and throughout the world for that matter, desperately want to buy.

How To Co-Publish For Profits!

The Benefits of Co-Publishing

How To Write A Newsletter

In order to be successful with a newsletter, specialize in a subject not adequately covered in existing newsletters. A subject which you can give more, or better information on.

Writers Who Consistently Cut The Mustard Do So Because...

Have you ever wondered why certain writers are able to churn out seemingly endless streams of published bestsellers while thousands upon thousands of others suffer an endless stream of rejection slips?

Graphology - Unleash Inner Personality & Talent of Child

|| Graphology & Graphotherapy ||

Seven Suggestions To Develop a Superb Writing Style

Every writer eventually develops her own unique style of writing. As you struggle to create your own voice, while focusing on the required standards, you may want to consider the following tips for improving your style and establishing a professional formula for success.

Plagiarism Through The Eyes Of College Students

Plagiarism has been condemned lately by all types of experts, including scholars, university board members and even commercial parties, such as TurnItIn, which sells plagiarism detection software righteously claiming that plagiarism should be combated through the most efficient and up to date tools. Well, if these companies ever reach their ultimate goal of eliminating plagiarism, they will go out of business. Meanwhile, we see that everyone discussing plagiarism has certain motivation and interest to defend one point or another. Students, however, don't seem to have an interest to speak on this subject at all, or worse - they have never been asked.

The Value of Adding Images to Technical Documentation

It?s clich�, but true?a picture does paint a thousand words. This is an important message to remember when writing any sort of user documentation, such as an installation guide or an instruction manual. A document that makes judicious use of images and diagrams will be much easier to understand than one that is composed entirely of text descriptions.

Knock-Out Writers Block: Listening To Your Inner Voice

When I was young, I used to talk to myself. Long, drawn out, one-sided conversations. I didn?t have an imaginary friend, I just talked to myself. My mother says that?s why I became a writer: because of my overactive imagination. I admit she may be right. Those conversations currently get me through my worst cases of writer?s block.

You Can Be An Author

?You should write a book.? For years, I had been hearing this comment. Writing an entire book seemed completely overwhelming, and so, for a long time, I contented myself with writing short articles. One day, inspiration for an article hit me and, as I started writing, paragraphs began flowing out at an enormous rate. Before I knew it, a rather lengthy piece was developing. It was too long to be an article, so, I decided it would not hurt to try self-publishing a little booklet. Was I ever surprised! The first printing of this 32-page black and white booklet sold out within a week.

Linguaphone Language Learning Solutions

Language Training - A key to Global Communication

Tips for First Time Authors : 2 Easy Steps to Make Your First Book a Success

Congratulations on writing your first book. That is quite an accomplishment. Many people dream of writing a book, but you actually did it. Way to go.

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