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Franchisee; Vacation Managing
Do you own a franchised business? Over 400,000 franchised businesses currently operate in the United States, which is a true testament of free enterprise. There are many advantages of franchised businesses, which anyone who owns a small business has thought about. One thing they probably have not considered; whether they are franchisee or not is that in a franchise system; your local franchise runs as store exactly like yours. They are aware of every single aspect of your business. So it makes sense that if you want to go on vacation you should have the closest franchisee watch your store for you and you can return that favor for them later. When a franchisee goes on vacation, they may or may not have a person who is capable of handling their entire business. As any business person knows, this isn't easy. You must stay on schedule, keep up the quality and still make every customer coming thru the door happy. There are vendors, phone calls and new business. You might make a deal with your neighboring franchisee to help them with their overload and keep an eye on things while they are away. If you work out a trade, they can help you when you will be away. You should also call your regional director and alert them as well. That way, between your arrangement with a neighboring franchisee and your regional director of the parent franchise corporation, your business will be safe and productive while you are gone. If you are not in a franchised business this is not a possible option. Think about it, think about a franchise. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Financial Fundamentals - What Every Small Business Owner Should Know! Business owners rarely go into business to deal with the financial aspects of running a business. It's easy to understand why! You are passionate about the products or services you provide and want to focus your time there. The financial aspect usually falls to the bottom of the "desired responsibilities" list. It is critical to the long-term success of your business that you understand some of the Financial Fundamentals of being a business owner though. You don't have to be an accountant or financial analyst, but it is important that you have some key skills in your business toolkit to measure the financial aspects of your business. It's okay to outsource this activity so that someone else can do the work you don't like to do, but make sure you understand the output of the financial information. You'll need it to help you make informed decisions about your business. Remember! Accounting is not just about taxes. There's so much more to know about the numbers, so you'll know how your business is doing from the management perspective. Virtual Assistant ? Questions Answered What is a Virtual Assistant? SBAs 8(a) Program Can Help Some Companies Compete Q: A friend told me that as a woman of Native American descent I might be eligible for a special SBA program that will help me start a small business. He said I could compete for government contracts through this program. Can you tell me what SBA program he's referring to? -- Clara P. 5 Tips for Hiring a GREAT Bookkeeper Bookkeeping?the "dreaded" word is something we all have to worry about. Business owners rarely go into business to deal with the financial aspects of running a business. It's easy to understand why! Who wants to do all those boring record keeping functions? Not many. Therefore, one of the first things most entrepreneurs do is hire a bookkeeper. Though hiring a friend, relative or anyone who isn't experienced with the basics of bookkeeping may be a recipe for DISASTER! Serious About Writing A Business Plan... Start A Business Plan Library Tap these treasures of ideas. The best money you can spend is money invested in your business plan education. Don't shortchange yourself when it comes to investing in your dream. Start gathering samples of business plans and collect business plan books and get a business plan library started, it can change your future. Here's what your library needs to show: that you're a serious student of business strategy and planning, finance and economics, selling, and writing. Direct Mail - For Small Businesses We hear a lot of talk about junk mail nowadays. Many people will tell you that they dump it straight in the trash. But why do you think so many organisations send out so called junk mail - because it works! Corporate Shells A corporate shell could be liken to a house that had been occupied by a family, prior to the family moving out it was a home. But now it is just shell, a skeleton a plain house with nobody in it, but if a family was to purchase the house and moves in, it becomes a home. Going Public: The Process for Small and Mid-size Companies to Go Public It's the dream of every person who starts a business to some day see it trading in one of the stock exchanges even after they are no longer associated with the company. The first step (#1) is simple since most small company are already incorporated and have a board of directors, so we will start with #2. What are the COSTS Associated with joining Leads Groups? When it comes to cost, how much can you afford or not afford? 6 Ways Small Businesses Can Survive In A Crazy Economy Contrary to popular belief, small businesses can survive a crazy economy by taking some proactive steps. Provide spectacular customer service -- every time. Have a friend or colleague visit your business and provide feedback from a customer's perspective. This person should be unknown by your staff and willing to provide a candid assessment. Make sure your front and back office work like a well-oiled machine. Are the front line and the back office telling your customers the same thing? Manage your customer relationships -- return customers take the least amount of effort -- use that to your advantage. Keep in touch often. Review your strategic plan monthly (weekly is even better). Make sure you're doing the things that will get you where you want to go. Adjust your strategic plan as necessary. Your "smallness" makes you more flexible. Communicate, communicate, communicate -- with your employees and your customers. Nurture those relationships. Ask for feedback often. Dynamics of Daylight Savings Time on Service Businesses in the United States The Dynamics of Daylight Savings Time changes the way we live and do business. What are the true dynamics of daylight Savings. It was to improve the efficiency of energy supply and demand issues originally. Does it still work for that purpose. To some degree yes. But, not as much as you think. As a matter of fact until people readjust a little it actually hurts energy costs for those cities burning coal. Some cities use fuels to power up. Nuclear is best next to hydroelectric power. Wind sounds great, but we have not perfected that and the tax write off scandalists made a mockery of what could have been great technology and environmentally sound energy. Solar, may work better more now than previously due to the Infrared knowledge and more efficient solar cells due to nano tech. Solar sounds good since it is coming from the sun or space, stuff that happened billions of years ago now reaching us in other spectrums too. Choose Your Own Guru What is a guru? Small Businesses With Work Trucks; A Warning If you are a non-operator owner of many work trucks, you should keep your business credit card with you not leave it in one of the trucks. You should not issue them to employees without strict guidlines. Employees may tend to abuse credit cards by buying things that are not an emergency such as tires that are over priced instead of simply plugging a hole in a flat or spraying fix-a flat into the valve stem. How to Create an Information Plan What is in an information plan? Is a Small Business Web Site a Wise Investment? One of the greatest pitfalls in e-commerce is Field of Dreams thinking, the notion that all one has to do is "build it (a web site) and they will come." Why Do Franchisors have Exclusive Territories The reason we Franchisors call it an exclusive territory is because we will not sell that area again to another franchisee. That is your area to market and to conquer and to generally obtain as much market penetration as possible. If you are a home-based business or mobile franchise then this is a serious issue. You can put as many service units in your area can support and try to make the most reasonable profit you can per each service unit you put into your exclusive territory. Most franchisors charge a percentage of the gross income and probably make a little off every service unit you buy, so they want you to expand. Marketing a New or Small Business on a Budget There are almost as many opinions and views on marketing as there are companies to market. The big names and multinationals will have an extraordinary amount of funding set aside in which to convey their marketing message to the masses. 432 Page Franchise Report by the FTC The Federal Trade Commission is upgrading the franchise law and they have made a report. Recently I have been reviewing the FTC's franchise rule report page by page. I have was shocked to learn that after commenting on the first two paragraphs in the first page of information directly following the table of contents, it took me 19 pages. I see now the reason for the 432-page report on franchising; the FTC has put forth a 432-page report and used the mass data approach to BS and Baffle potential commenters. It appears to be working. No one wants to bother to read and understand it all. However one franchisor, one entrepreneur sees this for what it is worth. So on to the next paragraph we go, I wonder how many pages it will take to comment on the next line of malarkey? Building Your Business for Success in 2005 It's a strange anomaly. 11 Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From The Supreme Court 1. Have A Strong Constitution ? Justices deliver decisions by interpreting the U.S. Constitution. Never let the challenges of running your small business overwhelm your judgment. ![]() |
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