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IF and WHEN were friends. Every week they met and had lunch. Their conversation usually centered on all the things they were going to achieve. They both had many dreams and they loved to talk about them. This particular Saturday when they met, WHEN sensed that IF was not in a great mood. As usual they sat at the table reserved for them and ordered their lunch. Once they placed their order, WHEN questioned IF. "IF what is wrong with you? You don't seem your usual cheery self?" IF looked at WHEN and replied, "I'm not sure, I just don't feel like I am making any progress. This last week I saw a course I wanted to take if only I had the time to take it." WHEN knew exactly how IF felt. "Yeah," replied WHEN, "I too saw a course and I am going to register when I get enough money together." WHEN then said, "well what about that new job you were going to apply for. You were so excited about it last week, did you apply?" IF responded, "If my computer didn't break down last week, I would have applied. But, my computer is not working, so I could not type my resume." "Don't worry about it IF, when you are ready another job will come through. I have been thinking about looking for another job also, but I will wait and when the weather gets nicer I will look then." WHEN then went on to tell IF about his week, hoping that it would cheer him up a bit. The man at the next table couldn't help overhear WHEN and IF. They both were talking about when this and if that, finally he couldn't take it anymore. "Excuse me gentlemen," the man said. IF and WHEN both looked at the man and wondered what he wanted. The man continued, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help hearing your conversation. I think I know how you could solve your problems." IF smiled and thought, how could a complete stranger know how to solve all of their problems. If only he knew. When he realized the challenges they faced there was no way he could solve their problems! Curious, IF asked the gentleman, "How do you think you can solve our problems?" The gentleman smiled and said, "You only need listen to yourselves. It reminds me of an old proverb: 'If and When were planted, and Nothing grew'." IF and WHEN looked puzzled. The gentleman smiled and said, "Start counting how many times you use the words 'if' and 'when'. Rather than thinking 'if and when', start doing, take action, stop talking about 'if and when'." IF and WHEN both looked surprised, and suddenly realized that what the gentleman had said was so true. Both of them were guilty of thinking, acting and living their life for the "ifs and whens". The gentleman left and IF and WHEN's conversation changed. They made a pact that when they met for lunch next week, there would be no "ifs and whens"; they would only talk about what they accomplished! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Catherine Pulsifer is one of the editors of Words of Wisdom 4 U, http://www.wow4u.com. You will find a collection of motivational thoughts, stories, quotes, poems, smiles, proverbs, and more at Words of Wisdom 4 U!
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What Do You Need To Do To Be Successful? What do you need to do to be successful? If you are searching the net you may feel that you need to sign up for the latest affiliate marketing programme. Or perhaps you need to be a member of the latest MLM scheme. On the other hand it may be that you need to follow the directions of the latest web marketing guru. Each of theses routes give you the opportunity of being successful but without courage, zeal and enthusiasm you will join the ranks of the 80% plus who fail. Abundance Creating Resources You Already Have You already have all the resources you need to accomplish all the things you want to achieve. Sound too good to be true, doesn't it? Fact is, it is true. You do have all the resources you need. All of them. The questions are: how broad is your awareness of these resources which resources are we talking of here? and, for which needs? There are countless resources that each individual possesses. It would be nigh impossible and self-defeating to attempt to discuss and highlight even a quarter of these resources in a short discourse as this one. Let us take a look at a few of the resources you already have to accomplish all the things you want to achieve: Creating Vision You have probably heard it before, or you may even have said it yourself. "Where there is no vision, the people perish". In the absence of a compelling vision, people tend to be stuck in their present circumstances. They wallow in a 'comfort zone' and drift from self-pity to anxiety and anger. Where there is no vision people perish. Vision is neither wishful thinking, nor is it an expression of hope or a modified form of day-dreaming. Vision is the rare ability of standing in the future and looking at the past as it unfolded. While you are standing there, you make decisions from that 'future' (instead of from pressing present circumstances). For some vision is the ability to outline a point of convergence related to their personal focus. This means determining and acknowledging ahead of fact, the destination of one's efforts. Sell Yourself to Be Successful in Life If you want to be successful in life, business, or relationships, you must learn one simple secret. That secret is ... you must learn how to sell yourself! Living A Life Without Limits The starting point of all great success and achievement is dreaming big dreams. There is nothing more important and nothing works faster. Successful people are able to let go of all their self-imposed limits. They continuously fantasize about the person they want to be, and all the wonderful things they can have and do. That is why all high achieving men and women are far more optimistic, confident, and creative than most people. You Are What You Believe The most important quality you can ever develop is having belief in yourself. The belief that you can, without a shadow of a doubt achieve success in every area of your life. Virtually every person has the capacity to do wonderful things with his or her life. But the greatest single obstacle for most people is self-doubt. Many people wish they could accomplish certain things but lack the belief that they can actually do it. 5 Key Ways to Attract Abundance and Prosperity When you hear the words "abundance" and "prosperity", what immediately comes to mind?Is it money, fulfilling relationships, a lovely house to live in, peace of mind, a career/vocation that expresses your gifts? Identify Those Things That Have Prevented You From Being Successful And Learn How To Avoid Them Now Have you been struggling for years to accomplish some goals without success? Are you wondering why you haven't been able to lose the weight you want, be more energetic, earn more money, learn new skills, be a better communicator, or accomplish whatever desires and dreams you have? An Honest Commitment To Action Is Key To Your Success With topics in personal development ranging from goal setting to neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and many things in between it's no wonder at times we are left feeling as though all this learned knowledge is not being made the best use of. We wonder why it's not working for us. The Fuel That Drives The Ultimate Lifestyle In a recent article (What is The Ultimate Lifestyle), I talked about the 8 core components that define "The Ultimate Lifestyle." Overnight Success - the Truth is Revealed Overnight success seems to be happening to a lot of other people all the time. A new popstar arrives in a blaze of glory and is an instant success. A hotshot businessman or online marketer suddenly appears, telling how they are raking in millions. So how come you aren't an overnight success? Why are you still working so hard at your business, your career or whatever else your personal view of success maybe? Well here's the shocking truth about becoming an overnight success.... It doesn't happen overnight. Take some time out and lookup some of the apparent overnight success stories, and you'll find a common theme running along all of their stories. Almost without exception they were all working hard, exactly the same way you are, for some time before they acheived "overnight success". Read or watch interviews with popstars who have suddenly appeared and you'll find they were playing small gigs, knocking on talent agents doors, entering contests for years before they were discovered. The highflying business owner or "new internet marketing guru" has a string of failures behind him or her preceding that one big breakthrough which launched them to guru status and the big earnings. The Psychology Of Success; Part 2 In the first part of this article you learned some very important psychological skills for success. You learned how to build up your self-confidence and how to be assertive, fairly. And, how to ask for what you want, but without being confrontational. Failure IS an option. I wrote an article on this very subject, with the same title a few years ago. And? it was a pretty decent article if I do say so myself! How to Succeed for the Rest of Your Life I spoke recently with the owner of a large clothing store who had poured years of effort into his business. He had achieved his dream and built a successful career. However, his hectic pace was becoming difficult to maintain. Is Shyness Affecting Your Job? It is accepted that most people have felt shy at one time or another but not everyone who appears to be shy can be identified as having any social problems. While some are only shy in certain situations they feel uncomfortable with, such as meeting people for the first time, others feel shy more often and go out of their way to try and avoid any situation that encourages them to experience unpleasant feelings. Do You Really Think So? It's not new news. It's not some ethereal theory. It's not a fanciful philosophy without any direct application to your day-to-day life. It is the single most important piece of knowledge possessed by humanity. It is the primary cause behind your success or failure in life. Tools for Constructing the Road to Success Too many times in the pursuit of our dreams, we loose sight of the total picture and instead settle on a small piece of it. A job, any job, whether it is in the conventional job market or any one of a number of work from home ventures all require the same thing - people of vision. Success -Ten Winning Traits! No surprise - winning traits are common among high achievers. Persistence and Determination: Golden Keys to Reaching Success "Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." -- Calvin Coolidge Using A Weekly Review To Improve My Life And Business "What a week!" you say at the end of a series of days thatwent, quite frankly, very well. And yet...At the conclusion of another week those same three words maycarry with them a completely different meaning.Discouraged and fighting off feelings of defeat, you hardlyhave enough breath to reflect with a sigh, "What a week." How do you capture the momentum of the good days or regainany sense of the same when things don't go so well? Answer: I'm not totally sure! But I am confident of this: a good, positive weekly reviewcan assist you in... *Capturing what went well, *Helping you to refocus, *Building for future success, *And improving yourself or your business. I hope that "My Week In Review" will prove to be one of themany tools you use in your quest for excellence. It is a unique tool designed to... *Give yourself credit for "things done well" *Allow you to creatively express your thoughts *Keep you in a training/duplicating mode *Pinpoint and attack success hindering attitudes or actions *Rivet your attention on the next play of the game. May you and those you serve have a wonderful week, Lee ~*~*~*~* MY WEEK IN REVIEW ~*~*~*~* Striving For Excellence For All The Right Reasons � Lee Wise All rights reserved ===========================================================THINKING POSITIVE===========================================================What top three things *worked well* for me this past week? 1.2.3.===========================================================WHEN SMALL IS BIG===========================================================Speaking personally or professionally...What "little step" of improvement could I make next weekthat -- *if repeated consistently over time* -- wouldbenefit myself or those I influence in a unique way? My Answer Is...===========================================================TWO QUESTIONS FOR OVERCOMERS===========================================================If I dared to believe I could... *What would I do that I have not done? And... *What would be my first step in doing it? My Answers Are... 1. I would do this2. My first step will be===========================================================THE STORIES OF MY LIFE==========================================================="Have I... *Received any compliments, *Heard of any positive results, *Been motivated by someone's success, *Or discovered any exciting facts...That I should record to use in my business?" My Response Is...===========================================================PATTERNS (Ruthless Honesty) =========================================================== Being Ruthlessly Honest...If I repeated the way I worked this past week for the next90 days, would it be a good or "not-so-good" thing for mybusiness health?IF MY ANSWER IS "NOT-SO-GOOD," THEN...What will I attack *with a vengeance* first? What is the main *emotional reason* for my attack?IF MY ANSWER IS "A GOOD THING," THEN...What should I reinforce by doing it again?1.2.What should I share that is duplicatable? 1.2. =========================================================== MY SUCCESS JOURNAL =========================================================== Recording my personal journey... A Stop On the Road of Life With three kids, a business, a husband with a business, a house, a yard, and a very close extended family, my time is at a premium. This means I�??m usually running as fast as I can to keep up with everything�?"and sometimes failing miserably in that endeavor. Recently I was caught between two major obligations, driving from one to the other, and late again. ![]() |
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