Obesity and Morbid Obesity - Is Gastric Bypass Surgery Right For You

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The very first thing you want to do before you even consider the surgery is really contemplate if surgery is the only way to lose weight. If you have exhausted every diet or new lifestyle of eating, the last resort should be Gastric Bypass Surgery or another name is Bariatric Surgery.

First of all what is Obesity?

This results from too much accumulation of fat once it exceeds the body's skeletal and physical needs.

According to the NIH (National Institutes of Health) 20% more than you "ideal body weight" is when excess weight becomes a health risk.

Almost 2/3 of the adult population, approximately 200 million, are overweight or obese.

What is Morbid Obesity?

Morbid Obesity is when it reaches the point that one or more obesity-related health conditions result in significant physical disability or even death.

Clinical Severe Obesity is also the same term as Morbid Obesity. Morbid Obesity is more or less defined as being more than 100 lbs over your ideal weight or have a Body Mass Index of 40 or more.

It is considered a chronic disease, meaning that it develops over time.

What Causes Morbid Obesity?

Believe it or not and despite conventional medicine wisdom, it is not just the result of overeating.

There is much research shown, that in quite a few cases, the significant underlying cause is genetic. There have been studies done that has shown that once the problem is established, efforts of dieting and exercise or fitness programs are really limited to provide effective long-term relief.

Science is always continuing to find answers. But until obesity is much better understood, the control of obesity is something patients need to work on for their entire lives.

It is very import to understand that the medical interventions, including bariatric surgery, should not be considered as medical cures.

Weight loss surgery attempts to reduce the effects of excessive weight and alleviate the serious, mental, physical and social consequences of the disease.

You want to take into consideration the benefits and consequences of weight loss surgery before you undertake the procedure.

The first thing you want to do is make an appointment with a Bariatric surgeon who will accept your insurance.

It is important that you go to a meeting setup by your doctor where other people have had the surgery or are contemplating the surgery even before you make your decision.

Stomach stapling is a major surgical procedure, whereas Gastric Banding is not. Both have its advantages and disadvantages.

Please check for other gastric bypass articles. There will be a series of articles pertaining specifically to this type of weight loss surgery.

Your medical doctor can determine if the weight loss surgery is right for you depending on your age and medical condition.

Copyright 2005
Article can be reprinted as long as the links are active

Fern Kuhn, RN
Specializing in Diabetes and Obesity


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