Why Do Athletes Use Ephedra?

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You are probably familiar with the weight loss connection with the ephedra pill, but did you know that the ephedra pill is also extremely popular with performance athletes? For decades, athletes have been seeking out ways to enhance their performance. One of the most common and popular enhancing substances was the ephedra pill.

Athletes use the ephedra pill as it has a significant stimulatory effect on cells. Commonly taken before events, the ephedra pill improves the force of skeletal muscle contractions with a powerful effect on performance. Finally, the athletes' metabolism is stimulated which can be helpful with fat burning and energy requirements during intense training.

In many sports, the ephedra pill is a banned substance. Athletes who use the ephedra pill to enhance their performance risk testing positive during doping tests. Depending on the sport, the penalty for testing positive for the ephedra pill can be significant. The intentional use of the ephedra pill is punishable by international laws, call doping control regulations.

Many successful athletes have experienced embarrassing suspensions by testing positive for the ephedra pill. One of the first and most famous cases occurred after the 1994 FIFA World Cup where Argentine footballer Diego Armando Maradona tested positive for the ephedra pill during doping control. He was suspended from the game for more than one year.

The ephedra pill, among other performance enhancers will continue to be under scrutiny in the realm of competitive sports. Athletes who choose to use the ephedra pill do so under the risk of discrediting themselves should they test positive. For more information about ephedra, you can visit www.DietWeightLossNews.org If you are interested in public availability of the pure form of ephedra, you can go to www.EphedraEnergy.com

There are some non-Ephedra pills you can try out free of charge as well. One I would recommend is www.NightDietPlus.com which can be taken before you go to bed and will not keep you up. It contains no caffeine or stimulants. I've actually tried them both. The NightDiet Plus is more subtle and the Ephedra pill is quite powerful.

Todd Brenner is currently the Executive Vice President of Fitness By Design. He serves on the board for Business Consultant Group of North America and has 23 years of business operations experience. He holds a Masters in Business from University of Louisville.

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