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I don't understand people sometimes. You know, there is a huge problem with our health care. When it comes to trauma we are the best in the world hands down. Doctors are doing incredible things in trauma; I think that God works through the hands of these amazing doctors. But when it comes to keeping us healthy the United States is thirty seventh on the list, thirty seventh. It's not hard to see that this is true. We all know someone with some kind of health related issue. It's really sad as a matter of fact.

You shouldn't wait until you get a health issue to do something about it. That's what I don't understand about the majority of people today. It seems that the majority of people go to the doctor when they do not feel good then they get prescribed some drugs hoping it will make them feel better, then people don't have that specific symptom any more but now they're dealing with side effects from the drugs. Every drug is a toxin and every drug is a poison, and every drug has some kind of side effect. When you're driving down the road and your oil light turns on, you don't put a band aid over it and keep driving. You pull over and put oil in the car, which solves the problem. So why do people just take there pills and go on with life; isn't there a better way. If you do not feel good, then you have something wrong and sorry to say but drugs do not take care of the problem, all they do is cover it up.

People know that nutrition is important. We have all known that for a long time. All nutrition is, feeding the body at a cellular level so that your body is working correctly and efficiently. If our bodies were working correctly then we wouldn't have any health issues. See our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves. One of the main reasons that people are getting more and more sick is the quality of our foods have dramatically decreased. Due to green harvesting, depiction of minerals in the soil, also the toxins that can be found in the pesticides found on our fruits and vegetables. Also, the fruits and vegetables just do not have the nutrient value that they used to have. Green harvesting is a huge problem, in the last couple days of the ripening process the majority of the nutrients are put into the fruit. Don't get me wrong you want to eat as many fruits and vegetable as you can. But in reality unless you buy organic food that is close to your home there is know way to get these essential nutrients.

Every body knows that there are allot of vitamins and minerals that we need. But recently scientists have found there are also other essential nutrients that we need. In the ripening process there are nutrients called glyconutrients. Scientists are finding that these are also essential to the human body. Glyconutrients support cellular communication, which is how you're cells talk to each other to gather information from each other. Some information that gets communicated are things like if they're damaged, or being attacked, or if they need to be fed. If your cells did not communicate then you would be six feet under.

The body does have the ability to make these glyconutrients, this is because they are so essential. But in order too make them it takes allot of energy, and in fact the body will rob itself in order to make them. So what are people doing about this dilemma, well now people are supplementing glyconutrients. With doing this they are giving the body what it needs to work correctly. Your body can heal itself from anything that's wrong with it through proper nutrition. I know that I get into this a little too much but you know I think this world needs more people like me.

If you were at all interested in anything I had to say. I recommend on click the link below to get your limited time offer of the free e-book, The Ten Deadly Health Myths of the 21st Century.

To get your limited time offer for the free e-book The Ten Deadly Health Myths of the 21st century, Go to

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