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Cranberry Juice To The Rescue

Cranberry juice was first made by American settlers in 1683. It is a love it or hate it beverage. For those who like it, it has a number of health benefits. Let me share some of those.

Emulsifies Fat.

This is for all of you that have some excess fat to lose. According to Nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S., Cranberry juice contains high levels of organic acids, which have an emulsifying effect upon fat deposits. She generally suggests it along with some flax seed or flax seed oil.

Urinary infections

When it comes to urinary tract infections caused by a strain of E coli bacteria, cranberry juice compounds may help. Some of the compounds in the juice block the bacteria from sticking to the cells in the body, so that the body can more easily flush the bacteria out.

Respiratory Infections

Study results in 2002 suggest that cranberry juice may inhibit a type of bacteria that is a common cause of ear and respiratory infections in children. This is according to researchers at the annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

In this study it was found that cranberry juice can inhibit certain strains of Haemophilus influenzae, a type of bacteria found in the nose and throat of 75% of healthy children and adults. The bacteria can also cause infections, and may be responsible for up to 40% of bacterially-derived middle ear infections.

In this study, the researchers found that the juice could prevent certain strains of the bacteria from sticking to red blood cells or mouth cells, a step that can allow the bacteria to linger in the body. It seemed that the juice inhibited the bacteria's pili, the hair-like structures that allow them to adhere to surfaces. The juice had no effect on strains of Haemophilus influenzae that lacked pili.

While the results took place in test tubes, this certainly would be something to keep in mind for children and adults who get throat and ear infections.

Don't over do the juice!

I do want to warn you that excessive consumption of juices. Drinking too much fruit juice can contribute to obesity, the development of cavities (dental caries), diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems, such as excessive gas, bloating and abdominal pain. Children especially, as their bodies are smaller for the amount of juice ingested.


Consider this more of a medicinal drink than a beverage, and you will do fine. Probably a cup for an adult, and a half cup for a child twice a day, until symptoms abate.

1 tea bag of Green Tea or Chai Green Tea

(Chia green tea contains ginger, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and clove along with green tea)

2 cups unsweetened Cranberry Juice

Bring one pint of water to a rolling boil. Insert your tea bag and steep 3 to 6 minutes. Pour into a one quart container. Add two cups of unsweetened Cranberry Juice. Store in the refrigerator and use within three days.

You can drink this cold or warm it up and drink. If you have used regular green tea you can add a very small pinch of any of the spices mentioned above that is in the Chia tea, for more flavor.

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac. shares health tips about what to do about health challenges today. Get your tips started by visiting or

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