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Organic Eating - Why Bother?

Originally, all foods were "organic" - grown and prepared without pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, hormones, irradiation to prevent spoilage, and microwave cooking.

Our food these days, whether of vegetable or animal origin, is not only deficient in nutrients but also full of pollutants and farm chemicals. The modern denaturing of foods through massive refining and chemical treatment deeply affects their EnergyRich ? qualities, making them devoid of the exact boost that we should be getting from our food.

Not only are they not giving us that KICK that we need, but many EnergyPoor? foods could actually be making us sick. As pesticides get lodged and increase in our tissues, the immune system becomes weakened, allowing other carcinogens and pathogens to affect our health. Yuck!

Top five reasons to shop and eat organic foods

1. Fresh organic produce contains on average 50% more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micronutrients than intensively farmed produce.

2. If you eat dairy or meat products, eating organic has never been more essential to safeguard your health. Intensively reared dairy cows and farm animals are fed dangerous antibiotics, growth hormones, anti-parasite drugs and many other medicines on a daily basis, whether they have an illness or not. These drugs are passed directly onto the consumers of their dairy or meat, which contribute to meat-related diseases like coronaries and high blood pressure.

3. Organic produce simply tastes better. Fruit and vegetables are much more full of flavor. Experiment with an organic carrot and a conventionally grown carrot. Which is sweeter?

4. Organic food is not really more expensive than intensively farmed foods, as we pay for conventional foods through our taxes. We spend billions of dollars every year cleaning up the mess that agrochemicals make in our natural water supply.

5. The few extra cents you pay for organic food may save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in doctors' bills.

To your health and success, Heather

Heather Dominick is a Nutrition-Energy Consultant accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and creator of The Energy Rich Lifestyle Program?. In addition to her nutrition services, she is a motivating and dynamic speaker.

Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine? You absolutely can! But here's what you MUST include: Heather Dominick, Certified Nutrition-Energy Consultant, is founder of the EnergyRich Lifestyle Program?, the proven step-by- step program to help you achieve your best health and fullest life. For a limited time sign up for her freebie EnergyRICH? Tips and receive a F*ee Report: Crucial Tips For Grocery Shopping at

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