Stress Management Information

Discover The Wisdom of Letting Go

When a great Zen Master returned to his country after many years of studying abroad the people asked what he brought with him. He said, ?I?ve come with nothing but empty hands.?

Stress Relief in Minutes

For those who are suffering from stress, just about the hardest thing to find is stress relief. Stress can often continue itself on its own energy and, as it mounts up upon itself, it builds itself into an absolute mental frenzy. Unfortunately, this sort of mental frenzy is ultimately counter-productive and leaves the mind so frenzied that it cannot actually take care of whatever is causing the stress. Thus, stress relief is a way to help the mind attend to the necessities of life.

The Cost of Stress ? the Need to Monitor and Manage the Risks!

How much attention is paid to one of the biggest underlying risk factors within an organisation ? the effects of stress? Not only are there a lot of potential risks arising from the spread of stress within an organisation, it costs them a great deal of money!!

Is Your Workplace Suffering from Contagious Stress?

We wonder how many of you might recognise this scenario? Although it happened with a male manager, it could apply to men or women. The manager we worked with had been promoted to a more senior role and was experiencing demands from all sides. He became increasingly tired, was working long hours and spending less time with his family. His overall energy dropped, anxiety levels increased, sleep was disrupted and concentration and focus diminished. He no longer took time to exercise, found himself snatching meals of dubious quality and kept himself going with constant fixes of coffee and Red Bull. Apart from the impact on him ? what do you think were the effects on his family and the people who worked for and with him?

Self Indulgence: It Isn?t Just About Chocolate

It?s no secret that we women, by virtue of our genetic make-up I suppose, seem to feel it is necessary to be superwomen?simultaneously balancing the demands of managing a home, caring for children and aging parents, and usually working in a demanding profession. This syndrome, which was first labeled in the 1980s, continues 20-some years later despite zillions of articles and talk shows discussing it.

Stress Reduction and Sacred Moments

"The great lesson from the true mystics, from the Zen Monks, and now also from the Humanistic and Transpersonal psychologists ? that the sacred is in the ordinary, that it is to be found in one?s daily life, in one?s neighbors, friends, and family, in one?s back yard, and that travel may be a flight from confronting the sacred ? this lesson can be easily lost. To be looking elsewhere for miracles is to me a sure sign of ignorance that everything is miraculous." - Abraham Maslow

Stress Buster Tip: Relax From The Weekday Stack!

Everyday can be full of stress but we all deserve a break from life's daily deadlines. Whether you're at home or work we all need to take the time to unwind. Dealing with stress through simple relaxation exercises is a very effective and rewarding approach. I've put together a brief outline of some "Stress Busters" that can help you relax from the stressors we encounter everyday of every week.

Workplace Stress: What to Do During Down Times?

The main problem in a down economy is that workplaces tend to become stressful and morale bottoms out. This reduces overall productivity and especially gets in the way of teamwork. Here are some approaches that go beyond cash rewards, stock options or other silver-lined benefit packages to keep employees engaged during an economic downturn. Sometimes, simple works best.

Stress & Self Esteem: Raising One by Lowering the Other

In our article about Exercise & Stress, we looked at the way these two factors form a self-reinforcing cycle that can work for us. With stress and self-esteem, however, the relationship is negative ? both in the technical sense of the words (i.e. as one increases, the other decreases, and vice versa), and in its ultimate result upon the person concerned.

6 Ways to Release Stress

We are currently living in a capitalist society where money and power rule. Therefore, many of us have become workaholics and often overlook signs of tiredness in order to stay on track. I am not saying that people should stop working hard to achieve their goals. However, there is a slight problem we do not know how to manage our stress, which is definitely not a good thing! Stress has been linked to mental/emotional (depression, anxiety, and anger) and physical illnesses (weakens the immune system). Therefore, it is more than important that you constantly work on reducing your stress level in order to maintain your overall health. The bottom line is, if we are not healthy there is no money or power that will make things better. So, take care of yourself. Below, I have added six stress releasing tips.

The Case Of The Missing Vacation

This is the time for daydreaming about your annual vacation. Sounds enticing.

How To Stop Computers Stressing You Out

Of all the forms of stress in today's world, computer stress is the one that is on the rise the fastest. Computers are wonderful machines, but they can also stress out workers by their sometimes confusing demands, their constant presence and their simple inability to work properly. Thus, computer stress must be understood and it must find an outlet or computer users will find themselves even more stressed out than they already are.

Myth Busting: What Causes Mental Breakdown?

I came out of a nightmare 5-year period of anxiety and depression and I did it without taking any drugs. What frustrated me is that despite advances in understanding as to why people become stressed, depressed and anxious, sufferers are still told numerous myths about what causes their illness.

High Stress Means Low Self Esteem

Do you have the desire for a stress free life? Most people do. After all isn't this why most people are working so hard, to achieve just that? Sounds like a paradox doesn't it, "I'm working hard to achieve a stress free life"?

Intelligent Emotions

We so often take the feelings of happiness and saddness for granted. Why do we even have such feelings inside us at all? Well if you've ever asked yourself that question then perhaps you will find an answer here that resonates with you.

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