Weight Loss Success with the South Beach Diet

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The South Beach Diet was not created by your typical weight loss guru. A cardiologist developed an eating plan in response to his patients lack of success with the diet recommended by the American Heart Association. When he saw so many heart patients getting healthier with the change, the bestselling South Beach Diet was born.

"Low Carb" is all the rage in the weight loss industry as of late, but the South Beach Diet is more than that. Sure, we are talking about a diet that is low in carbohydrates, but you don't have to cut them out altogether. You are allowed to eat what the author refers to as "good carbs." Whole wheat breads, pastas, cereals, and brown rice are among the "good carbs" that you are able to reintroduce to your palate as you graduate through the three phases of the South Beach Diet.

There is such a variety on the South Beach Diet that it's highly unlikely that you will find yourself bored with your choices. The author designed the diet around the idea of satisfaction. If people are not satisfied after eating, they are going to find something else to eat on top of it and ruin their diet. The popularity and success of the diet is a good indicator that dieters on the South Beach Diet are satisfied.

One of the best benefits of the diet is that your body stops craving the "bad carbs" that just make you hungrier. So once your body gets used to the change in eating habits, hopefully you, like many other successful South Beach dieters, will be able to maintain the diet as a healthier lifestyle that you actually enjoy.

James is a published author at Fitness Freaks, a site dedicted to bringing you up to date information on Health and Fitness related topics. For more great articles, visit our Fitness Articles page.


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