Mediterranean Diet - Wonderful & Lousy Reasons for Losing Weight

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Lousy Reasons to Lose Weight

"I want to be a size 0."

"You can never be too thin."

"I want to fit into the same clothes I wore in high school."

"I want to be a waif."

"People will see me as more glamorous."

"People will see me as more childlike."

"Thin people are more popular."

"I want to look like a model."

"Every one else is underweight."

"I want higher cheek bones."

"People will be nicer to me if I am smaller."

"Other people tell me I look fat even though I am within the ideal body weight limits."

"If I lose all of the weight for good, maybe I can stop throwing up after I eat once and for all."

If any of the comments above resemble your own rationale for losing weight then you don't have a weight problem. But you may well have a psychological problem. You simply might not be mentally or emotionally prepared to handle any weight loss problem. Consult with a qualified therapist to get to the bottom of this issue in case its a cognitive disorder. A cognitive disorder is when someone suffers from a distorted view of herself, the world or how others see her.

Wonderful Reasons to Lose Weight

I want to climb stairs without losing my breath.

I want to be able to fit into a dress I wore a year ago.

I want to play football with my son again.

I want to take up less room when I sit on the bus.

I want to stop avoiding my reflection in shop windows and mirrors. I want to go swimming and feel comfortable in a swim suit.

I want to go on rides in an amusement park.

I want to feel confident about having my picture taken.

I want to stop choosing restaurants on the strength of their chairs.

I want to define where my chest ends and my waist starts.

I am happy to be any size between 14 and 16.

I want to increase my self-esteem.

I want to reduce the strain on my muscles and back

I want to have better cardio-vascular health

I want to increase my lean muscle mass

I want to increase my flexibility

I want to stop being stared at when I order in restaurants

I want to adopt healthy eating habits

I want to have a waist again.

I want to see my feet again.

I don't want to snore so loudly.

I am borderline diabetic.

I don't want to burden my family with my future medical costs

I want to change my lifestyle so I am healthier.

I want to decrease what I pay on my health insurance.

I want to be alive to play with my children or grandchildren.

There are many ways to proceed with weight loss, but none better than the safe and easy path. Nutrition and a planned approach are all important. Think carefully before jumping in and you will succeed.

Publisher & author: Roy Barker. Roy has an indepth and long established background with the vitamins, minerals and health industry and has researched and experimented with many diets over a thirty year period. Roy is also the author of Safe and Easy Weightloss, a downloadable e-book based on the famous Mediterranean Diet and often used by those with heart conditions and those who seek an effective and safe way to shed weight and more importantly, keep it off. It can be viewed at More articles and related sites can be viewed at

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