Benefits Of Exercise Videos For Weight Loss

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I asked my sister to come to my gym with a guest pass. She replied something to the effect of "I am in no shape to go to the gym". What? I thought you go to the gym to get in shape not get in shape to go to they gym! Upon further questioning and digging I uncovered the obvious - my sister is just not comfortable in the gym.

I have found that others feel the same. I certainly do not agree with this type of thinking but I do recognize that it exists and some people will simply not go to a gym or exercise class simply because they are not comfortable in that atmosphere.

Exercise videos are perfect for this type of person!

On the flip side, my wife loves to go to the gym but she is also a very busy person. Sometimes she just does not feel like packing all of her clothing in her gym bag and hauling it all day. Sometimes she just wants to exercise at home.

Exercise videos are perfect for this type of person!

So what are the benefits of exercise videos and how can they help you lose weight?

� Exercise videos are usually led by world class instructors. These instructors are usually the top in their field. They have pioneered a system which more than likely has proven results.

� Exercise videos can keep you from getting bored in your fitness and weight loss routine. You can get an exercise video for aerobics, kick boxing, power yoga, step aerobics, basic training, and the list goes on. You can get them in a studio format, on a beach, by a pool, with beautiful scenery - No limits!

� You can perform your exercise routine on your schedule. You are not dependent on the gym hours or aerobics class hours. You may have a hard time fitting a 5:30 class into your schedule but you can always find time to play a recorded video at your convenience.

� Exercise videos allow you to work at your own pace. If you miss a step or are just not conditioned, you can rewind or skip a certain part of the routine.

� Most exercise videos are full of positive reinforcement and affirmations. It is good to hear success stories and "you can do it"!

� You can more accurately measure your results. If you are doing the same video for an extended period of time you will know if you have improved either in cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, or strength. If you are doing a different routine in a regimented class sometimes it is hard to notice your improvements.

� Exercise videos are inexpensive. You can collect them and enjoy varied workouts and instructors for very low costs.

The key to losing weight is burning more calories than you consume. Exercise videos take care of the calorie burning part of this duo. The body was made to move! When you exercise and eat healthy the benefits are priceless! You feel great, are sick less often, have greater range of movement, less pain, and a better mental outlook.

� Pick an exercise video for your level of fitness.

� Pick a video that interests you and seems fun to you

� Share videos with friends for a varied experience.

� Set aside time to workout to your video. Make it a ritual.

� If you start getting bored with a routine - Find another one! But don't quit!

� Remember that moving the body is fun!

� Follow the instructions and warnings that come with the video

� Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise or weight loss program.

Exercise videos are a fun, inexpensive way to lose weight and get in shape. What a great way to have world class instructors helping you get in shape and lose weight all on your schedule!

Keep checking back. We may from time to time review specific exercise and fitness videos.

Stay healthy, keep the body moving and learn to enjoy exercise!

Wishing you the best of health and fitness,

Bill Herren

Bill Herren is the webmaster for Everything weight loss related! Weight loss success stories, product reviews, exercise articles, weight loss recipes, and diet articles. All Free and all designed to help you lose weight!


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