The Pain of Instant Gratification

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What a great world we live in. You want something, you get it! You need something, you buy it! You don't have money, you charge it!

You don't deny yourself anything??do you? Why should you? If it feels good -do it!



As we have found out over the years, feeling good and being good for you are two different things.

So, let's take this one step further. As our DietDivas members already know, "A minute on the lips-a lifetime on the hips!"

That is so true. It tastes good for one split second. But it ruins your whole mental outlook. So that one second of instant gratification just cost you more than you bargained for.

It really cost you a few extra pounds, it cost you a feeling of dismay, it will probably cost you the whole day of "cheating" on your diet. Is it worth it?

If your Doctor told you that eating that bag of chips would cause you to keel over in pain right away??.would you still eat the chips? Of course not! Well, I am telling you that eating that whole bag of chips will cause your mind to keel over! Eating that bag of chips or cookies or pint of ice cream right now will set off the following signals to your brain:

1. I am a failure
2. I knew I couldn't stick to anything
3. I will never lose weight
4. This just doesn't work
5. I will remain fat forever!

All of the above signals just hit your brain. Was that instant gratification really worth it? If you can step back for a minute and just think about it you won't eat the foods that are hurting you. Count to ten before you open that bag. Drink a glass of water and take a walk before you eat that candy bar. Send the correct signals to your brain. I WANT TO SUCCEED!

This will be a great year for you.

Paula Altare


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