The Key to Weight Loss: The INSIDE OUT Factor - The #1 Mindset in Changing Your Weight Forever!

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The "INSIDE-OUT" approach to fitness differs from that of conventional wisdom. Most programs work on diet and exercise alone. They give suggestions on what foods to eat through recipes, calorie-counting books, and exercise tips. While this way may work in the short run, eventually your motivation and desire to get in better shape disappears. In order to change your attitude and these unwanted behaviors, there are three things to learn about yourself:

How and what motivates you?

What are the reasons behind your unwanted behaviors?

What kind of support system is good for you?

The "INSIDE-OUT" approach is an on-going process. In theory, it is a simple common sense idea. In practice, it will take some hope, a little faith in yourself, and patience.

The goal is for you to develop a lifestyle that reflects this way of thinking.

If you currently are not exercising, you can start by just moving and becoming aware of your motives. If you are exercising now and not getting any results, you can also approach this goal through a change in your behavior and lifestyle. Keep in mind that all the parts are necessary in order to make the most out of any exercise program.

You cannot sustain motivation to be active without pure motives.

You cannot change unwanted behaviors without knowing the reasons behind them.

You cannot stay focused without outside support.

You cannot eat smarter without a proper attitude toward food.

You cannot continue to be active without deep desires.

In a Nut Shell:

The "INSIDE-OUT" concept takes a look at your exercise and eating behaviors through a cognitive awareness approach. It deals with your motives, desires, and beliefs toward exercise and food. If you want to change attitudes and habits toward exercise and eating for the long haul, you are going to have to dig deep into WHY you feel the way you do about them.

The big difference in the "INSIDE- OUT" program from others is the focus on the Awareness of the types of motives you have, the Acceptance of unwanted behaviors, and the Assistance you get.

This will not be easy and it will take hard work. The question is, "How important is your health to you? And, are you at the point in your life where:

"THERE ARE NO MORE OPTIONS," except to move forward.

Your goal is to first decide which behavior (s) you need and want to change. The end goal is to figure out the truth or reality of that behavior and work your way up to changing it. The process is fairly simple in theory, but challenging in practice. It will not happen over night. This is a mental exercise more than anything.

I commend you for reading this; however, the reason you are is because you are not happy with who you are right now and how you feel. Twenty years ago I was not happy either. However, after changing from the INSIDE OUT, I today feel better than anytime in my life. And thousands of others have changed to by applying this approach. You are not alone. Let me help!

LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! FREE MINI COURSE click here Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor's DON'T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the book series Changing from the INSIDE OUT and former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.


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