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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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Weight Loss: The Strength in Setting Goals, Achieving Objectives, and The Power of Intention
The act of taking the first step is what separates the winners from the losers. -Brian Tracy Objectives and goal setting and a desire or an intention to meet said goals and objectives is, undoubtedly the most imperative piece of the puzzle when attempting to achieve anything worthwhile in life. And as Brian Tracy has outlined here, it is indeed the act of taking the first step and then following through that will separate the winners from the losers. Clearly defining what it is that you want is where it all starts and Weight Loss is no different! The potency of your objectives and the power of your intention will totally aid in the clarity and sharpness of outlining your goals. So if you truly want to achieve permanent Weight Loss, you must completely see yourself 'lean' or 'lighter' with absolute lucidity! It can happen to you. You've heard it before; life is a journey, not a destination... Enjoy the trip, but know where you're going, it's easier to get there! Brushing your teeth, washing your hair, 'showing up' at work regularly and sleeping are all habitual rituals, they are daily practices that promote or provide either assurance, insurance, functionality or the opportunity to continue to have or use something that you probably want to keep... Stop doing these rituals and decay, breakdown or unemployment occurs, which just causes a downward spiral of unpleasant events. Although this sounds a bit funny, the reality is your body functions or DIS-functions in the same way, practice daily effective, proactive rituals and ta...da... you either attain, maintain or achieve the object or objective desired. Exercise and nutrition are often perplexing topics, usually shrouded in mystery, but need not be. Knowledge and application of knowledge are not the same thing; they are quite separate and distinct. Knowing how to do something and doing it is where the line is drawn and having an intention, coupled with an objective acts as the proverbial driver behind the wheel...and placing intention into the subconscious mind is like stepping on the gas pedal, which in turn produces action or OBJECTIVE. Can you remember when you were young and wanted something so bad that nothing else mattered? That thing that drove you was desire and if you actually did get that 'object' of desire, well that was intention that propelled you to go out and get or "receive" that object. Goals or objectives motivate and generate oomph, you know...that get-up-and-go, they are the steam that wakes you up, gets you to work, helps you focus and aids in the process of achievement. Emotion married to objective is fuel for accomplishment. Develop a sense of purpose, a reason why and combine that purpose with your desire and your emotionally stimulated intention, put this desire, intention and purpose in writing and since we're talking about Weight Loss, this could be that desire. With laser-focused accuracy, picture a 'clear-vision' of how you see yourself in 'fighting' condition, we call this "visualizing" and remain focused using all of these components and guess what... It will happen... Yes, time patience, persistence, effort and action are required, but you will reap what you sow, it is an unfailing fact. Positive reinforcement, now this is the next phase... Any suggestion that you plant into your subconscious mind is used, if it's negative.... Negative results, if it's positive... Positive results! If you know what to do, but you can't seem to get yourself to do it, you've probably been giving negative or conflicting messages to your subconscious mind. The behaviors that are produced by subconscious conditioning are more commonly referred to as habits. Fortunately, you can re-program your subconscious mind with positive instructions and become a creature of positive habit, just as easily as you can become a victim of negative habits. It all begins with a conscious decision and written objectives. Attention to intention The mind... It's a terrible thing...to waste that is! I am always stunned at the similarities that we all share and on the flip-side, stunned at how different we are. So simple, yet so complex...and when it comes to the exercising of our mental capacities, well this is where some have signs of mastery and others, as if a sleeping giant lies dormant! I have worked with thousands of people through the years and what is remarkable is in all the training and nutrition programs I've designed for such unique purposes, almost all of them fall into similar distinctive mind-sets, either they possess the desire and intent to accomplish something great; or they feel that they are losing something that they want badly enough to keep! The sine qua non or upshot is, if you want to get in amazing shape, all you really have to do is make up your mind and "intend" to accomplish your objective. You build that body of your desire by setting goals and focusing your attention on them. Setting into motion this attentive intent is the positive action required to impel you on-ward and up-ward. Exercise and eating right are only two components in the matrix of this program and in all honesty, if you don't properly tune that focus 'in', the best of programs or intentions will not eliminate the natural tendency to 'bail-out' before success has arrived. Self defeat is the 'killer-of-giants', where success is concerned. The whole concept of setting goals and having objectives to aspire to works because it activates the mechanism of the all-powerful subconscious mind, which in-turn activates the application of intention, which as you might of guessed... produces results. Success The theme here is to take control of your own mind; success will be found when you become proactive about your 'destination' and take the proper steps required to 'arrive'. It is truly about the tremendous power of self-control and self-reliance. These are inner resources, which you already possess, which you have always possessed. You may not have realized that you have these abilities, but they are there, as latent as they may be...they are there! You may not have used them or you may have underemployed them, it's not uncommon. Change can happen, but first you must decide that change is what you indeed want and move with reckless abandon toward that change. With all the necessary tools and the proper mindset in place and in proper form you can achieve anything and I mean anything! So, get ready to succeed and to live a life of true conviction and purpose. The Scottish essayist Thomas Carlyle wrote, "Have a purpose in life, and throw yourself into your work with all the strength of mind and muscle as God has given." Beautiful! And until next time, Good luck and may God be with you? -Kurt Lee Hurley Kurt Lee Hurley, President and Founder Partner of Synergy Fitness Systems, Synergy Global Health Solutions and Creator of Integrated Variable Dynamics� is a Nationally Recognized Fitness Expert, Celebrity Trainer, Multi-Certified Fitness Professional, Nutrition Counselor and Personal Empowerment Coach. With over 30 years of experience in exercise application and 20 years of education, Kurt's passion for his work and his clients have made him one of the most in-demand trainers in Los Angeles. Kurt is a leader in the health and fitness industry, a beacon of truth and clarity with his innovative training philosophies and inspirational influence. He has been one of Hollywood's most sought after fitness experts and certified training professionals. As a vibrant, media savvy fitness personality, Kurt speaks of and demonstrates his non-traditional approach; a combination of health and fitness knowledge, personal empowerment, plethoric nutritional brain trust, motivational psychology, exceedingly broad physical talent and the mind/body/spirit connection, keep his clients coming in droves.
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